How To Run Discord Connector ?? - Printable Version
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How To Run Discord Connector ?? -
RJTabish - 27.09.2018
Hello hi i got an problem in running discord chatting system in the server i got all information of discord connector i did same thing i create bot i also invite it and i also include bot token in server cfg when i'm trying to open server then its is getting online status but chat is not working what should i do sir
PHP Code:
new DCC_Channel:g_WelcomeChannelId;
PHP Code:
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME + 1];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
g_WelcomeChannelId = DCC_FindChannelByName("discord widget server id"); // Discord channel ID
new str1[128];
format(str1, sizeof str1, "[Server] %s: %s", name, text[1]);
DCC_SendChannelMessage(g_WelcomeChannelId, str1);
Other Code
PHP Code:
public DCC_OnChannelMessage(DCC_Channel:channel, DCC_User:author, const message[])
new channel_name[100 + 1];
if(!DCC_GetChannelName(channel, channel_name))
return 0; // invalid channel
new user_name[32 + 1];
if (!DCC_GetUserName(author, user_name))
return 0; // invalid user
new str[145];
format(str, sizeof str, "[Discord/%s] %s: %s", channel_name, user_name, message);
SendClientMessageToAll(-1, str);
return 1;
Please Help i'm trying it since 2 weeks thanks in advance
I Have 3 server channels like announcement section chat section and rules section i want to add this system in chat section please
Re: How To Run Discord Connector ?? -
AzaMx - 27.09.2018
Try make it like this
PHP Code:
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME + 1];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
if (_:g_WelcomeChannelId == 0) //this one missing.
g_WelcomeChannelId = DCC_FindChannelByName("discord widget server id"); // Discord channel ID
new str1[128];
format(str1, sizeof str1, "[Server] %s: %s", name, text[1]);
DCC_SendChannelMessage(g_WelcomeChannelId, str1);
Re: How To Run Discord Connector ?? -
v1k1nG - 27.09.2018
You need to read plugin's thread more carefully
Re: How To Run Discord Connector ?? -
RJTabish - 28.09.2018
have a look i think this is channel id right ?
Re: How To Run Discord Connector ?? -
v1k1nG - 28.09.2018
Nope to be able to see channel ids you need to enable developer mode in settings