In OnDialogResponse undefined symbol however the command is created. - Printable Version
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In OnDialogResponse undefined symbol however the command is created. -
Tass007 - 20.09.2018
Hi there,
In OnDialogResponse callback I have this line (Where the error is)
PHP код:
if(!response) return cmd_io1(playerid, "");
And I'm getting the error
(2485) : error 017: undefined symbol "cmd_io1"
However I have the command created and it is created before the dialog callback so I'm stuck on ideas on what it could be because it's defined...
PHP код:
new string[128];
new dialog[500];
for(new x;x<MAX_OSLOTS2;x++)
if(IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, x))
{ format(string, sizeof(string), ""COL_WHITE"Slot:%d :: "COL_GREEN"Used Slot\n", x); }
else format(string, sizeof(string), ""COL_WHITE"Slot:%d\n", x);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ATTACH_INDEX_SELECTION, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Player Objects/Attachment: (Select Slot)", dialog, "Select", "Close(X)");
return 1;
Re: In OnDialogResponse undefined symbol however the command is created. -
v1k1nG - 20.09.2018
Which command processor are you using?
Re: In OnDialogResponse undefined symbol however the command is created. -
Tass007 - 20.09.2018
Re: In OnDialogResponse undefined symbol however the command is created. -
v1k1nG - 20.09.2018
PHP код:
forward PC_OnInit(); // somewhere in ur gamemode
PC_EmulateCommand(playerid, "/io1"); // Under dialog response
Re: In OnDialogResponse undefined symbol however the command is created. -
Tass007 - 20.09.2018
Awesome thank you!