Should i return Xtreme Community? - Printable Version
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Should i return Xtreme Community? -
HerSelf - 04.09.2018
Hello, Most of the people know me as HimSelf.
I am thinking of returning my old server Xtreme Community, but there is a problem.
I am low on budget and i need someone who is willing to help me with a website and hosted tab for the server.
My server is very unique and I have alot of features what other servers dont have.
Right now i have no player base, so i am asking you guys if you are intrested to join if i open the server?
I have videos of my server from early back in the days (Keep in mind my scripts are Updated, more features added).
If you want to help me out, please contact me by sending me a pm.
(If you guys want me to show you the server that is also possible).
(how to put a yt link?)
Re: Should i return Xtreme Community? -
DTV - 04.09.2018
If you want to do it, then do it.
YT links won't work as they're blocked on the forums.
Re: Should i return Xtreme Community? -
RogueDrifter - 04.09.2018
Re: Should i return Xtreme Community? -
SonnyGamer - 04.09.2018
Why would anyone buy website and hosted tab for you? There's alot of good gamemodes which ppl can use for their own server. If you don't have money or players then don't waste your time by opening a server. Better join some other servers and have fun!
Re: Should i return Xtreme Community? -
KinderClans - 04.09.2018