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Disabling Radio - Printable Version

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Disabling Radio - DarkMythHunter - 03.09.2018

I've searched, I can't find anything related to this topic. I used several keywords, if there are I apologize. Lets get this started;

A survival server. I want that the car radio won't turn on everytime a player enters a car. I mean, it's an apocalypse no radio signals. All I want it to be is there won't be any song that play inside the car. No radio, no static. Just, none.

How do I do that? Thanks.

Re: Disabling Radio - Shinja - 03.09.2018

I dont think its possible to disable default radio.

Have you ever seen a server with this feature?

Re: Disabling Radio - DarkMythHunter - 03.09.2018

Originally Posted by Shinja
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I dont think its possible to disable default radio.

Have you ever seen a server with this feature?

Re: Disabling Radio - Banditul18 - 03.09.2018

I think streaming an invalid audio(invalid link) it will block the car radio(like streaming it upon player connecting)
Im not 100%

Re: Disabling Radio - ShihabSoft - 03.09.2018

Ya just set the audio stream to an invalid url of some sort.

PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, "");



Re: Disabling Radio - DarkMythHunter - 04.09.2018

Originally Posted by ShihabSoft
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Ya just set the audio stream to an invalid url of some sort.

PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, "");


Worked, thanks.