help -
kevi11 - 03.09.2018
Guys I downloaded the filterscript of the vehicle system, only that another admin system was implemented, and let's say I can not use this command, how could I solve it?
Obviously I log in with the rcon sept admin but nothing, he tells me I can not use this command
CMD:avcomandi(playerid, params[])
if(!PermissionCheck(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Non puoi utilizzare questo comando");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEE0000FF, "/aggiungiv /editav /settabenzina /vinutilizzabile (respawntutto) /respawnav (respawnaquestamacchina)\n");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEE0000FF, "/aggiungiconcessionaria /eliminaconcessionaria /fix /spostaconcessionaria /gotoconcessionaria\n");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEE0000FF, "/aggiungibenzinaio /eliminabenzinaio /spostabenzinaio /gotobenzinaio");
return 1;
IsAdmin was implemented in the system
but in my gamemode is pAdminLevel.
How can I correct this error?
Re: help -
Zamora - 03.09.2018
What makes the player pAdminLevel = 1; ?
Edit: IsAdmin = when player log in as a rcon admin.
Re: help -
kevi11 - 03.09.2018
I don't understand... for resolve what i need to edit?
can u fix?
Re: help -
Zamora - 03.09.2018
Originally Posted by kevi11
IsAdmin was implemented in the system
but in my gamemode is pAdminLevel.
Do you have any command that makes the player pAdminLevel?
Like: When you use /rcon login [password] it makes the player who use this command (IsAdmin)..
Re: help -
kevi11 - 03.09.2018
I just replaced all "IsAdmin" in "pAdminLevel"
and now i just this error compile:
C:\Users\dgfh\Desktop\Nuova cartella\filterscripts\sistema veicoli backup\backup sistema veicoli.pwn(886) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\dgfh\Desktop\Nuova cartella\filterscripts\sistema veicoli backup\backup sistema veicoli.pwn(886) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\dgfh\Desktop\Nuova cartella\filterscripts\sistema veicoli backup\backup sistema veicoli.pwn(886) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\dgfh\Desktop\Nuova cartella\filterscripts\sistema veicoli backup\backup sistema veicoli.pwn(886) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
C:\Users\dgfh\Desktop\Nuova cartella\filterscripts\sistema veicoli backup\backup sistema veicoli.pwn(886) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
GetPlayerVehicleAccess(playerid, vehicleid)
if(VehicleCreated[vehicleid] == VEHICLE_DEALERSHIP)
if(pAdminLevel(playerid, 1)) ---------------------- THE PROBLEM IS HERE.
return 1;
else if(VehicleCreated[vehicleid] == VEHICLE_PLAYER)
if(strcmp(VehicleOwner[vehicleid], PlayerName(playerid)) == 0)
return 2;
else if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Chiavimacchina") == vehicleid)
return 1;
return 1;
return 0;
now for resolve this?
Re: help -
Zamora - 03.09.2018
Originally Posted by kevi11
I just replaced all "IsAdmin" in "pAdminLevel"
and now i just this error compile:
C:\Users\dgfh\Desktop\Nuova cartella\filterscripts\sistema veicoli backup\backup sistema veicoli.pwn(886) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\dgfh\Desktop\Nuova cartella\filterscripts\sistema veicoli backup\backup sistema veicoli.pwn(886) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\Users\dgfh\Desktop\Nuova cartella\filterscripts\sistema veicoli backup\backup sistema veicoli.pwn(886) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\Users\dgfh\Desktop\Nuova cartella\filterscripts\sistema veicoli backup\backup sistema veicoli.pwn(886) : error 001: expected token: ";", but found ")"
C:\Users\dgfh\Desktop\Nuova cartella\filterscripts\sistema veicoli backup\backup sistema veicoli.pwn(886) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
GetPlayerVehicleAccess(playerid, vehicleid)
if(VehicleCreated[vehicleid] == VEHICLE_DEALERSHIP)
if(pAdminLevel(playerid, 1)) ---------------------- THE PROBLEM IS HERE.
return 1;
else if(VehicleCreated[vehicleid] == VEHICLE_PLAYER)
if(strcmp(VehicleOwner[vehicleid], PlayerName(playerid)) == 0)
return 2;
else if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Chiavimacchina") == vehicleid)
return 1;
return 1;
return 0;
now for resolve this?
Wait a second , change IsAdmin to pAdminLevel(playerid, 1)
Here is the command
CMD:avcomandi(playerid, params[])
if(!PermissionCheck(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Non puoi utilizzare questo comando");
if(pAdminLevel(playerid, 1))
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEE0000FF, "/aggiungiv /editav /settabenzina /vinutilizzabile (respawntutto) /respawnav (respawnaquestamacchina)\n");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEE0000FF, "/aggiungiconcessionaria /eliminaconcessionaria /fix /spostaconcessionaria /gotoconcessionaria\n");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEE0000FF, "/aggiungibenzinaio /eliminabenzinaio /spostabenzinaio /gotobenzinaio");
return 1;
Re: help -
kevi11 - 03.09.2018
Again error on compiler here.
GetPlayerVehicleAccess(playerid, vehicleid)
if(VehicleCreated[vehicleid] == VEHICLE_DEALERSHIP)
if(pAdminLevel(playerid, 1)) ---------------------- THE PROBLEM IS HERE.
return 1;
else if(VehicleCreated[vehicleid] == VEHICLE_PLAYER)
if(strcmp(VehicleOwner[vehicleid], PlayerName(playerid)) == 0)
return 2;
else if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "Chiavimacchina") == vehicleid)
return 1;
return 1;
return 0;
Re: help -
Zamora - 03.09.2018
Originally Posted by Zamora
Wait a second , change IsAdmin to pAdminLevel(playerid, 1)
Here is the command
CMD:avcomandi(playerid, params[])
if(!PermissionCheck(playerid)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "Non puoi utilizzare questo comando");
if(pAdminLevel(playerid, 1))
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEE0000FF, "/aggiungiv /editav /settabenzina /vinutilizzabile (respawntutto) /respawnav (respawnaquestamacchina)\n");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEE0000FF, "/aggiungiconcessionaria /eliminaconcessionaria /fix /spostaconcessionaria /gotoconcessionaria\n");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xEE0000FF, "/aggiungibenzinaio /eliminabenzinaio /spostabenzinaio /gotobenzinaio");
return 1;
Try this.
Re: help -
Zamora - 03.09.2018
See brother cuz i didn't understand you.
pAdminLevel(playerid, 1) or pAdminLevel(playerid)
Working with you then just use it instead of IsAdmin.. if its not then remove all
pAdminLevel(playerid, 1)
and replace them with
Edit: Sorry for that mess i just didn't concentrate well..
Edit 2: Check your PM's
Re: help -
kevi11 - 03.09.2018
I Join on my server i put the cmd and they say "You can't use this CMD", and i'm logged with rcon and been set at level Admin.