Script[gamemodes/G.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
Number of vehicle models: 18
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
Server Plugins
Loading plugin: streamer
*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.9 by Incognito loaded ***
Loaded 1 plugins.
Started server on port: 7777, with maxplayers: 100 lanmode is OFF.
Loading filterscript 'Objetos.amx'...
Loading filterscript 'Protect.amx'...
Loading filterscript 'ladmin4v2.amx'...
> WARNING: Folder Missing From Scriptfiles
Loaded 3 filterscripts.
Script[gamemodes/G.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
Number of vehicle models: 18
The ladmin folder is missing from scriptfiles
Please Create This Folder And Reload the Filterscript
De acordo com o log:
WARNING: Folder Missing From Scriptfiles The ladmin folder is missing from scriptfiles Please Create This Folder And Reload the Filterscript Cria a pasta e tenta ligar novamente. Se nгo funcionar, deve ser a falta de algum plugin (geralmente й sscanf). |
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
Server Plugins
Loading plugin: streamer
*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.9 by Incognito loaded ***
Loaded 1 plugins.
Started server on port: 7777, with maxplayers: 100 lanmode is OFF.
Loading filterscript 'Objetos.amx'...
Loading filterscript 'Protect.amx'...
Loading filterscript 'ladmin4v2.amx'...
> WARNING: Folder Missing From Scriptfiles
Loaded 3 filterscripts.
Script[gamemodes/G.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
Number of vehicle models: 18
De acordo com o log, hб ainda faltando uma pasta.
Cria a pasta e tenta ligar novamente. Se nгo funcionar, deve ser a falta de algum plugin (geralmente й sscanf). |
Vocк chegou a ler todo o conteъdo no tуpico do filterscript?
Garanto que nгo... |
#include <A_SAMP>
#include <STREAMER>
#include <CPSTREAM>
#include <BUSTAIM>
#include <NEONS>
#include <MSELECTION>
#include <DOF2>
#include <ZCMD>
#include <ZK_SAMP>
#include <GEOLOCATION>
#include <GANGZONE>
Error: Function not registered: 'KryptoHook_GetPlayerName'
Script[gamemodes/G.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
Dei uma leve pesquisada aqui, pois desconhecia a procedкncia desse ZK_SAMP.
Descobri que, vocк precisa incluir o plugin ZK_SAMP tambйm. Inclua ele em seu server.cfg, apуs isso, provavelmente o cуdigo irб funcionar. Fonte: |
Loading plugin: Zk_SAMP
Loaded 1 plugins.
Aqui o plugin sу nгo carrega quando falta alguma DLL, nгo apareceu nenhum erro de DLL quando abriu o server?
Assim vocк nгo estб ajudando...
Abra a pasta plugins e me envia uma print, por favor. |