Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Kalcor - 08.08.2018
You(them)tube and vim-eo links are blocked on this forum.
You can attach mp4 videos directly to posts. No ads. No suggestion spam.
There's no video transcoding available, so you'll have to make sure your video is in the correct format:
Container: mp4
Max file size: 256 MB
Video codec: H264 (x264/nvidia nvenc H264/intel quicksync H264 etc)
Audio codec: AAC or MP3
Video resolution: 320x240 to 1280x720
The video must contain only 1 video stream and 1 optional audio stream. The forum won't accept the attachment unless it's in the correct format.
The bitrates, frame rates are not limited, but please keep in mind most forum users won't want to spend all day downloading, so please don't use excessively high bitrates.
Here's a rough guide what you can fit in a 256MB mp4:
256mb mp4 720p (1280x720). 5000kbps video/128kbps audio. ~7 minute movie.
256mb mp4 720p (1280x720). 2500kbps video/128kbps audio. ~14 minute movie.
256mb mp4 480p (852x480). 1500kbps video/128kbps audio. ~22 minute movie.
256mb mp4 360p (640x360). 800kbps video/80kbps audio. ~40 minute movie.
Problems? Ask below.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 10/2018) -
userid - 07.10.2018
It's cool but non-registered users won't be able to watch or download the video.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 10/2018) -
Dalekw - 07.10.2018
R.I.P. site bandwidth and storage...
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 10/2018) -
Zeth - 07.10.2018
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 10/2018) -
KJason - 07.10.2018
okay okay i have a question: host won't get slow?
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 10/2018) -
Kalcor - 08.10.2018
Originally Posted by userid
It's cool but non-registered users won't be able to watch or download the video.
You can still post external vids if you want. Just don't use any blocked sites. You can upload them to both places if you want maximum views.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 10/2018) -
Kar - 08.10.2018
Okay, thank you. I just want to be clear and just for the sake of everyone I'll ask the question..
What if I used for example, my website.. i put a link i.e
https://www.lvcnr.net/linkhere and it redirects to u-tube?
Is that fine?
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 10/2018) -
BigETI - 08.10.2018
I can imagine that this server tries to load content directly from themTube through embedding a video. However an URL that doesn't contain information of the website published, themTube won't know where it was published. Only the browser client would requested content from that website.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 10/2018) -
d3Pedro - 08.10.2018
Thank you for this!
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 10/2018) -
Zeus666 - 08.10.2018
Why is utube blocked?
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 10/2018) -
Marshall32 - 08.10.2018
Originally Posted by Kalcor
Test vid attached
Is that you who did the stunt?
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 11/2018) -
userid - 01.12.2018
Thank you very much for unblock *******, regardless of their policies or community is still a good platform to share videos.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 11/2018) -
Freaksken - 01.12.2018
Originally Posted by Kalcor
******* and ***** links are allowed again, but please consider these sites may not be gamer-friendly behind the scenes. Prefer alternatives when posting videos on the SA-MP forum.
Thanks for this decision.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 11/2018) -
HeLiOn_PrImE - 06.12.2018
Thank you, Kalcor!
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Graber - 08.02.2019
Originally Posted by Kalcor
(updated 11/2018)
Yοutube and Vimeο links are allowed again, but please consider these sites may not be gamer-friendly behind the scenes. Prefer alternatives when posting videos on the SA-MP forum.
Originally Posted by Kalcor
(updated 2/2019)
You(them)tube and vim-eo links are blocked on this forum.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
BigETI - 08.02.2019
Why would you block them again?
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Baboon - 08.02.2019
I honestly don\'t see a reason why you would block utube and those other links. How does this affect the forum? Isn\'t it a personal thing? Since when is utube not gamer-friendly?
Honestly, just sounds ridicilous.
I do not mind uploading mp4 files, but I can see how this can affect the forums bandwidth wise.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
RogueDrifter - 08.02.2019
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Kalcor - 09.02.2019
Originally Posted by Baboon
Honestly, just sounds ridicilous.
I do not mind uploading mp4 files, but I can see how this can affect the forums bandwidth wise.
I\'ve been pretty clear that I don\'t want utube links posted here. I shut down SA-MP\'s utube channel years ago. There\'s been nothing related to Googoyle on this forum for years.
There\'s enough space on the forum server for thousands of videos and I could add more space if needed (it never will be). The bandwidth on the forum server is unlimited.
Re: Where to post videos? (updated 2/2019) -
Hazon - 09.02.2019
Originally Posted by Kalcor
I\'ve been pretty clear that I don\'t want utube links posted here. I shut down SA-MP\'s utube channel years ago. There\'s been nothing related to Googoyle on this forum for years.
There\'s enough space on the forum server for thousands of videos and I could add more space if needed (it never will be). The bandwidth on the forum server is unlimited.
What the heck!! ?? First you disallowed usage of utube links, than you allowed few months later and now you are back to first option to disallow link...