#include <a_samp>
#include <RNPC>
#include <ZCMD>
#pragma tabsize 0
public OnGameModeInit()
new rp = CreateRNPCPolice ("Officerino", 280);
AddRPOLWaypoint (rp, 2029.42, 1354.34, 10.5);
AddRPOLWaypoint (rp, 2033.55, 1286.21, 10.5);
AddRPOLWaypoint (rp, 2079.03, 1286.00, 10.5);
AddRPOLWaypoint (rp, 2079.02, 1362.08, 10.5);
return 1;
C:\Users\1320703\Desktop\GTA3\server2\pawno\include\RNPC2.inc(222) : warning 209: function "RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn" should return a value
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
1 Warning.
Originally Posted by RedRex;4037i895
Show us line RNPC2.inc(222) at the include.
* RNPC Police include
* Simple AI and tutorial script
* Mauzen, 10.7.2012, V1.0
#include <RNPC>
#define RPOL_MAX_WAYPOINTS (12) // Maximum number of waypoints for a policeman
#define RPOL_VISIONRANGE (25.0) // Attacking players in that range will be chased
#define RPOL_ATTACKRANGE (15.0) // Policeman starts firing when in this range to the player
#define MAX_RNPC_POLICE (8) // Max number of police officers
#define RPOL_UPDATE (200) // Interval in ms to update movements, attacks, etc
new pol;
// The enum containing all data for a single policeman
enum RPol_enum {
// Initial data
new rpol[MAX_RNPC_POLICE][RPol_enum] = {{-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1}, {-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1},
{-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1}, {-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1}, {-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1},
{-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1}, {-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1}, {-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1} };
// Creates a new policeman
stock CreateRNPCPolice(name[], skin)
// Find a free spot in the rpol array
new slot = -1;
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_RNPC_POLICE; i++) {
if (rpol[i][RPOL_NPCID] == -1) {
slot = i;
if (slot == -1) return -1;
// Connect the NPC
rpol[slot][RPOL_NPCID] = ConnectRNPC(name);
rpol[slot][RPOL_SKIN] = skin;
return slot;
// Adds a waypoint to the Policeman's path
stock AddRPOLWaypoint(rpolid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z) {
if (rpol[rpolid][RPOL_NPCID] == -1) return false;
if (rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WPINDEX] >= RPOL_MAX_WAYPOINTS) return false;
// Store the waypoint coordinates at the last free position
new slot = rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WPINDEX];
rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_X][slot] = x;
rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Y][slot] = y;
rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Z][slot] = z;
return true;
stock StartRPOLRoute(rpolid)
// If valid and not already walking
if (rpol[rpolid][RPOL_TIMER] == -1 && rpol[rpolid][RPOL_NPCID] != -1) {
rpol[rpolid][RPOL_TIMER] = SetTimerEx("WatchTimer", RPOL_UPDATE, 1, "i", rpolid);
// Move to the first waypoint
MoveRNPC(rpol[rpolid][RPOL_NPCID], rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_X][0], rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Y][0],
return true;
return 0;
stock RemoveRNPCPolice(rpolid)
if (rpol[rpolid][RPOL_TIMER] > -1) {
// Stop timer
// Kick the NPC
// Reset data
rpol[rpolid] = {-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1};
public OnGameModeInit()
pol = ConnectRNPC("Officerino");
new rp = CreateRNPCPolice ("Officerino", 280);
AddRPOLWaypoint (rp, 2029.42, 1354.34, 10.5);
AddRPOLWaypoint (rp, 2033.55, 1286.21, 10.5);
AddRPOLWaypoint (rp, 2079.03, 1286.00, 10.5);
AddRPOLWaypoint (rp, 2079.02, 1362.08, 10.5);
return 1;
// This is the timer that actually controls the policeman
// and so the actually interesting "KI" for the RNPC
forward Bots(playerid);
public Bots(playerid)
SetTimer("StartAllRoutes", 500, 0);
forward StartAllRoutes();
public StartAllRoutes() {
// etc
forward WatchTimer(id);
public WatchTimer(id) {
if (rpol[id][RPOL_CURTARGET] > -1) {
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetPlayerPos(rpol[id][RPOL_CURTARGET], x, y ,z);
if (!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(rpol[id][RPOL_NPCID], RPOL_VISIONRANGE * 2.0, x, y, z)
|| GetPlayerState(rpol[id][RPOL_CURTARGET]) != PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) {
// Target escaped or died
// Stop shooting
// Continue route
MoveRNPC(rpol[id][RPOL_NPCID], rpol[id][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_X][rpol[id][RPOL_NEXTWP]],
rpol[id][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Y][rpol[id][RPOL_NEXTWP]], rpol[id][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Z][rpol[id][RPOL_NEXTWP]],
rpol[id][RPOL_CURTARGET] = -1;
} else
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(rpol[id][RPOL_NPCID], RPOL_ATTACKRANGE, x, y, z)) {
// Target is in attackrange
// Stop running and start shhoting
new Float:ox, Float:oy, Float:oz;
GetPlayerPos(rpol[id][RPOL_NPCID], ox, oy, oz);
// Angle to the target
new Float:angle = atan2(ox - x, oy - y) + 180.0;
// Stop and build, alternate slot for security
// Set weapon
// Set facing angle to the target
RNPC_SetAngleQuats(0.0, angle, 0.0);
// Start firing
// Move towards the target from the current position
RNPC_ConcatMovement(x, y, z, RNPC_SPEED_RUN);
// Finish build
// Start playback
RNPC_StartBuildPlayback(id, 1);
} else {
// Stop shooting
// Move towards the targets
MoveRNPC(rpol[id][RPOL_NPCID], x, y, z, RNPC_SPEED_RUN);
// Hook OnNPCPlaybackFinished to determine when a NPC reached his current waypoint
public OnRNPCPlaybackFinished(npcid)
// Find the array index of the npc
new slot = -1;
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_RNPC_POLICE; i++) {
if (rpol[i][RPOL_NPCID] == npcid) {
slot = i;
if (slot > -1) {
// NPC is a RNPC policeman
if (rpol[slot][RPOL_CURTARGET] == -1) {
// Increase current waypoint index, and set it to 0 when the last one is reached
rpol[slot][RPOL_NEXTWP] = (rpol[slot][RPOL_NEXTWP] + 1) % rpol[slot][RPOL_WPINDEX];
// Make him walk to the next waypoint
MoveRNPC(rpol[slot][RPOL_NPCID], rpol[slot][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_X][rpol[slot][RPOL_NEXTWP]],
rpol[slot][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Y][rpol[slot][RPOL_NEXTWP]], rpol[slot][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Z][rpol[slot][RPOL_NEXTWP]],
CallLocalFunction("RNPC_OnRNPCPlaybackFinished", "i", npcid);
#if defined _ALS_OnRNPCPlaybackFinished
#undef OnRNPCPlaybackFinished
#define _ALS_OnRNPCPlaybackFinished
#define OnRNPCPlaybackFinished RNPC_OnRNPCPlaybackFinished
forward RNPC_OnRNPCPlaybackFinished(npcid);
// Hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange to detect firing players
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
// Check if player started firing
if (!(oldkeys & KEY_FIRE) && (newkeys & KEY_FIRE)) {
// Check if player holds a gun
if (GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) > 16 && GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) < 40) {
new Float:px, Float:py, Float:pz;
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_RNPC_POLICE; i++) {
// Skip invalid and already following npcs
if (rpol[i][RPOL_NPCID] == -1 || rpol[i][RPOL_CURTARGET] > -1) continue;
GetPlayerPos(rpol[i][RPOL_NPCID], px, py, pz);
// If police in in range make him chase the attacking player
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, RPOL_VISIONRANGE, px, py, pz)) {
rpol[i][RPOL_CURTARGET] = playerid;
CallLocalFunction("RNPC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange", "iii", playerid, newkeys, oldkeys);
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#undef OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#define _ALS_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#define OnPlayerKeyStateChange RNPC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
forward RNPC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys);
// Hook OnPlayerSpawn to set the NPCs skin
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if (IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) {
// Find the array index of the npc
new slot = -1;
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_RNPC_POLICE; i++) {
if (rpol[i][RPOL_NPCID] == playerid) {
slot = i;
// If playerid is a policeman
if (slot > -1) {
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, rpol[slot][RPOL_SKIN]);
CallLocalFunction("RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn", "i", playerid);
} //<--------------- (Line 222)
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn
#undef OnPlayerSpawn
#define _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn
#define OnPlayerSpawn RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn
forward RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn(playerid);
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn #undef OnPlayerSpawn #else #define _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn #endif #define OnPlayerSpawn RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn forward RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn(playerid);
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if (IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) {
// Find the array index of the npc
new slot = -1;
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_RNPC_POLICE; i++) {
if (rpol[i][RPOL_NPCID] == playerid) {
slot = i;
// If playerid is a policeman
if (slot > -1) {
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, rpol[slot][RPOL_SKIN]);
CallLocalFunction("RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn", "i", playerid);
return 1;
Hi buddy! Try this code!
Make this defines top of your script.. Код:
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn #undef OnPlayerSpawn #else #define _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn #endif #define OnPlayerSpawn RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn forward RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn(playerid); PHP код:
C:\Users\1320703\Desktop\GTA3\server2\pawno\include\../include/RNPC2.inc(222) : warning 209: function "RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn" should return a value
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
1 Warning.
* RNPC Police include
* Simple AI and tutorial script
* Mauzen, 10.7.2012, V1.0
#include <RNPC>
#define RPOL_MAX_WAYPOINTS (12) // Maximum number of waypoints for a policeman
#define RPOL_VISIONRANGE (25.0) // Attacking players in that range will be chased
#define RPOL_ATTACKRANGE (15.0) // Policeman starts firing when in this range to the player
#define MAX_RNPC_POLICE (8) // Max number of police officers
#define RPOL_UPDATE (200) // Interval in ms to update movements, attacks, etc
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn
#undef OnPlayerSpawn
#define _ALS_OnPlayerSpawn
#define OnPlayerSpawn RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn
forward RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn(playerid);
// The enum containing all data for a single policeman
enum RPol_enum {
// Initial data
new rpol[MAX_RNPC_POLICE][RPol_enum] = {{-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1}, {-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1},
{-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1}, {-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1}, {-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1},
{-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1}, {-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1}, {-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1} };
// Creates a new policeman
stock CreateRNPCPolice(name[], skin)
// Find a free spot in the rpol array
new slot = -1;
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_RNPC_POLICE; i++) {
if (rpol[i][RPOL_NPCID] == -1) {
slot = i;
if (slot == -1) return -1;
// Connect the NPC
rpol[slot][RPOL_NPCID] = ConnectRNPC(name);
rpol[slot][RPOL_SKIN] = skin;
return slot;
// Adds a waypoint to the Policeman's path
stock AddRPOLWaypoint(rpolid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z) {
if (rpol[rpolid][RPOL_NPCID] == -1) return false;
if (rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WPINDEX] >= RPOL_MAX_WAYPOINTS) return false;
// Store the waypoint coordinates at the last free position
new slot = rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WPINDEX];
rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_X][slot] = x;
rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Y][slot] = y;
rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Z][slot] = z;
return true;
stock StartRPOLRoute(rpolid)
// If valid and not already walking
if (rpol[rpolid][RPOL_TIMER] == -1 && rpol[rpolid][RPOL_NPCID] != -1) {
rpol[rpolid][RPOL_TIMER] = SetTimerEx("WatchTimer", RPOL_UPDATE, 1, "i", rpolid);
// Move to the first waypoint
MoveRNPC(rpol[rpolid][RPOL_NPCID], rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_X][0], rpol[rpolid][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Y][0],
return true;
return 0;
stock RemoveRNPCPolice(rpolid)
if (rpol[rpolid][RPOL_TIMER] > -1) {
// Stop timer
// Kick the NPC
// Reset data
rpol[rpolid] = {-1, -1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, -1};
public OnGameModeInit()
new rp = CreateRNPCPolice ("Officerino", 280);
AddRPOLWaypoint (rp, 2029.42, 1354.34, 10.5);
AddRPOLWaypoint (rp, 2033.55, 1286.21, 10.5);
AddRPOLWaypoint (rp, 2079.03, 1286.00, 10.5);
AddRPOLWaypoint (rp, 2079.02, 1362.08, 10.5);
return 1;
// This is the timer that actually controls the policeman
// and so the actually interesting "KI" for the RNPC
forward Bots(playerid);
public Bots(playerid)
SetTimer("StartAllRoutes", 500, 0);
forward StartAllRoutes();
public StartAllRoutes() {
// etc
forward WatchTimer(id);
public WatchTimer(id) {
if (rpol[id][RPOL_CURTARGET] > -1) {
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetPlayerPos(rpol[id][RPOL_CURTARGET], x, y ,z);
if (!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(rpol[id][RPOL_NPCID], RPOL_VISIONRANGE * 2.0, x, y, z)
|| GetPlayerState(rpol[id][RPOL_CURTARGET]) != PLAYER_STATE_ONFOOT) {
// Target escaped or died
// Stop shooting
// Continue route
MoveRNPC(rpol[id][RPOL_NPCID], rpol[id][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_X][rpol[id][RPOL_NEXTWP]],
rpol[id][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Y][rpol[id][RPOL_NEXTWP]], rpol[id][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Z][rpol[id][RPOL_NEXTWP]],
rpol[id][RPOL_CURTARGET] = -1;
} else
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(rpol[id][RPOL_NPCID], RPOL_ATTACKRANGE, x, y, z)) {
// Target is in attackrange
// Stop running and start shhoting
new Float:ox, Float:oy, Float:oz;
GetPlayerPos(rpol[id][RPOL_NPCID], ox, oy, oz);
// Angle to the target
new Float:angle = atan2(ox - x, oy - y) + 180.0;
// Stop and build, alternate slot for security
// Set weapon
// Set facing angle to the target
RNPC_SetAngleQuats(0.0, angle, 0.0);
// Start firing
// Move towards the target from the current position
RNPC_ConcatMovement(x, y, z, RNPC_SPEED_RUN);
// Finish build
// Start playback
RNPC_StartBuildPlayback(id, 1);
} else {
// Stop shooting
// Move towards the targets
MoveRNPC(rpol[id][RPOL_NPCID], x, y, z, RNPC_SPEED_RUN);
// Hook OnNPCPlaybackFinished to determine when a NPC reached his current waypoint
public OnRNPCPlaybackFinished(npcid)
// Find the array index of the npc
new slot = -1;
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_RNPC_POLICE; i++) {
if (rpol[i][RPOL_NPCID] == npcid) {
slot = i;
if (slot > -1) {
// NPC is a RNPC policeman
if (rpol[slot][RPOL_CURTARGET] == -1) {
// Increase current waypoint index, and set it to 0 when the last one is reached
rpol[slot][RPOL_NEXTWP] = (rpol[slot][RPOL_NEXTWP] + 1) % rpol[slot][RPOL_WPINDEX];
// Make him walk to the next waypoint
MoveRNPC(rpol[slot][RPOL_NPCID], rpol[slot][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_X][rpol[slot][RPOL_NEXTWP]],
rpol[slot][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Y][rpol[slot][RPOL_NEXTWP]], rpol[slot][RPOL_WAYPOINTS_Z][rpol[slot][RPOL_NEXTWP]],
CallLocalFunction("RNPC_OnRNPCPlaybackFinished", "i", npcid);
#if defined _ALS_OnRNPCPlaybackFinished
#undef OnRNPCPlaybackFinished
#define _ALS_OnRNPCPlaybackFinished
#define OnRNPCPlaybackFinished RNPC_OnRNPCPlaybackFinished
forward RNPC_OnRNPCPlaybackFinished(npcid);
// Hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange to detect firing players
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
// Check if player started firing
if (!(oldkeys & KEY_FIRE) && (newkeys & KEY_FIRE)) {
// Check if player holds a gun
if (GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) > 16 && GetPlayerWeapon(playerid) < 40) {
new Float:px, Float:py, Float:pz;
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_RNPC_POLICE; i++) {
// Skip invalid and already following npcs
if (rpol[i][RPOL_NPCID] == -1 || rpol[i][RPOL_CURTARGET] > -1) continue;
GetPlayerPos(rpol[i][RPOL_NPCID], px, py, pz);
// If police in in range make him chase the attacking player
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, RPOL_VISIONRANGE, px, py, pz)) {
rpol[i][RPOL_CURTARGET] = playerid;
CallLocalFunction("RNPC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange", "iii", playerid, newkeys, oldkeys);
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#undef OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#define _ALS_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
#define OnPlayerKeyStateChange RNPC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange
forward RNPC_OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys);
// Hook OnPlayerSpawn to set the NPCs skin
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if (IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) {
// Find the array index of the npc
new slot = -1;
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_RNPC_POLICE; i++) {
if (rpol[i][RPOL_NPCID] == playerid) {
slot = i;
// If playerid is a policeman
if (slot > -1) {
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, rpol[slot][RPOL_SKIN]);
CallLocalFunction("RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn", "i", playerid);
return 1;
hi friend, error :/, i change all u said me...
PHP код:
PHP код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
if (IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) {
// Find the array index of the npc
new slot = -1;
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_RNPC_POLICE; i++) {
if (rpol[i][RPOL_NPCID] == playerid) {
slot = i;
// If playerid is a policeman
if (slot > -1) {
SetPlayerSkin(playerid, rpol[slot][RPOL_SKIN]);
return 1;
CallLocalFunction("RNPC_OnPlayerSpawn", "i", playerid);
return 1;