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How to edit textdraw keeping previous input whilst updating present output - Printable Version

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How to edit textdraw keeping previous input whilst updating present output - SlayerHodge - 17.07.2018

Problem: I have tried this textdraw but keep failing at it. I am trying to update the textdraw keeping information that was inputted by other players. ((this sounds mad confusing, it's a show and tell))

What I want to happen SS:


//global variable
new Text:Dealertext1,Text:Dealertexton1,Text:Dealertext2,Text:Dealertexon2,Text:Dealerplayer;

return 1;

stock Init__Textdraw()
    	//Dealer textdraw
		Dealertext1 = TextDrawCreate(455.000000, 176.000000, "BETS:");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(Dealertext1, 255);
		TextDrawFont(Dealertext1, 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(Dealertext1, 0.419999, 1.099999);
		TextDrawColor(Dealertext1, -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(Dealertext1, 0);
		TextDrawSetProportional(Dealertext1, 1);
		TextDrawSetShadow(Dealertext1, 1);
		TextDrawUseBox(Dealertext1, 1);
		TextDrawBoxColor(Dealertext1, 255);
		TextDrawTextSize(Dealertext1, 627.000000, 10.000000);

		Dealertexton1 = TextDrawCreate(545.000000, 176.000000, "OFF");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(Dealertexton1, 255);
		TextDrawFont(Dealertexton1, 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(Dealertexton1, 0.419900, 1.099900);
		TextDrawColor(Dealertexton1, -16776961);
		TextDrawSetOutline(Dealertexton1, 0);
		TextDrawSetProportional(Dealertexton1, 1);
		TextDrawSetShadow(Dealertexton1, 1);

		Dealertext2 = TextDrawCreate(455.000000, 190.000000, "NUMBERS:");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(Dealertext2, 255);
		TextDrawFont(Dealertext2, 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(Dealertext2, 0.419900, 1.099900);
		TextDrawColor(Dealertext2, -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(Dealertext2, 0);
		TextDrawSetProportional(Dealertext2, 1);
		TextDrawSetShadow(Dealertext2, 1);
		TextDrawUseBox(Dealertext2, 1);
		TextDrawBoxColor(Dealertext2, 255);
		TextDrawTextSize(Dealertext2, 627.000000, 0.000000);

		Dealertexon2 = TextDrawCreate(545.000000, 190.000000, "OFF");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(Dealertexon2, 255);
		TextDrawFont(Dealertexon2, 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(Dealertexon2, 0.419900, 1.099900);
		TextDrawColor(Dealertexon2, -16776961);
		TextDrawSetOutline(Dealertexon2, 0);
		TextDrawSetProportional(Dealertexon2, 1);
		TextDrawSetShadow(Dealertexon2, 1);

		Dealerplayer = TextDrawCreate(455.000000, 204.000000, " ");
		TextDrawBackgroundColor(Dealerplayer, 255);
		TextDrawFont(Dealerplayer, 2);
		TextDrawLetterSize(Dealerplayer, 0.170000, 1.000000);
		TextDrawColor(Dealerplayer, -1);
		TextDrawSetOutline(Dealerplayer, 0);
		TextDrawSetProportional(Dealerplayer, 1);
		TextDrawSetShadow(Dealerplayer, 1);
		TextDrawUseBox(Dealerplayer, 1);
		TextDrawBoxColor(Dealerplayer, 255);
		TextDrawTextSize(Dealerplayer, 627.000000, 0.000000);

	//end of dealer textdraw

COMMAND:bet(playerid, params[])
	new amount, bet[128], message[128], TextdrawMSG[1280], str[128];
	if(sscanf(params, "is", amount, bet))  return SCP(playerid, "[Amount] [Bet]");
	if(joinedtable[playerid] == false) return SendClientError(playerid, "You Haven't Joined a Dealer's Table!");
	if(PlayerTemp[playerid][sm] <= amount) return SendClientError(playerid, "You don't have this much cash in hand!");
	if(TableInfo[tableid[playerid]][bettingOpened] == 0) return SendClientError(playerid, "Bets are currently closed!");
	if(amount < TableInfo[tableid[playerid]][minbet] || amount > TableInfo[tableid[playerid]][maxbet]) return 
        SendClientError(playerid, "Invalid amount! The amount is not within the Dealer's Betting Range!");
	if(PlayerTemp[playerid][betted] == 1) return SendClientError(playerid, "You have already betted!");
	GivePlayerMoneyEx(tableid[playerid], amount);
	/*here*/format(TextdrawMSG, sizeof(str), "|%d|%s bet:%s AMOUNT: %d~n~", playerid, PlayerName(playerid), bet, 
	strcat(TextdrawMSG, str, sizeof(TextdrawMSG));
 	SendTableMSG(playerid, message);
	PlayerTemp[playerid][betted] = 1;

	return 1;
What i notice happening is instead of continuing on a new line everytime a player does this command it replaces the text that was there instead. Thanks in advance

Re: How to edit textdraw keeping previous input whilst updating present output - SlayerHodge - 17.07.2018

Another issue that i find is happening is that I am currently getting the textdraw blinking, and i cant figure out why.