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Error Need Help - Printable Version

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Error Need Help - Strider1997 - 04.07.2018

Hello friends

every player on my server gets this crash errror on teleport or when they click on spawn i dont knw what to do no errors in game mode it doesnt crashes when i try server on lan can anybody help me about this ?

Re: Error Need Help - m3shys - 04.07.2018

We can't help you without your gamemode script or filterscripts.

Try removing actors from your scripts.

Re: Error Need Help - Strider1997 - 05.07.2018

Originally Posted by m3shys
Посмотреть сообщение
We can't help you without your gamemode script or filterscripts.

Try removing actors from your scripts.
How to remove actors bruh?

Re: Error Need Help - DerickClark - 05.07.2018

First off. There a problem with your code OnPlayerSpawn.
If you can't post the code there will be no help as requested.
run CrashDetect -

Re: Error Need Help - Strider1997 - 05.07.2018

public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
new string[256];

damagedafk[playerid] =0;
afkwait[playerid] =0;

if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pClassSelection] > 0)
return 1;
if(jpInfo[playerid][OwnedHouses] > 0)
SetTimerEx("JakSpawnHome", 1000, false, "d", playerid);
PlayerInfo[playerid][pSpawned] = 1;

if(jpInfo[playerid][OwnedHouses] == 1)
new x = PlayerInfo[playerid][pHouseID];
hInfo[x][h_OwnerID] = playerid;

TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, DM_StartStyle0);
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, DM_StartStyle1);
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, DM_StartStyle4);
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, DM_StartStyle5);
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, DM_StartStyle6);

SetPVarInt(playerid, "AdminProtect", 0);

if(WeaponsSay[playerid] == 1)
PlayerInfo[playerid][pLotto] =0;
WeaponsSay[playerid] =0;
SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_SERVER_HELP_MSG, ""LIGHTBLUE"Type "RED"/weapons "LIGHTBLUE" to Choose Weapons Kits.");

This is it or more ?

Re: Error Need Help - Strider1997 - 05.07.2018

anyone ?

Re: Error Need Help - Strider1997 - 05.07.2018

hlo ?

Re: Error Need Help - Strider1997 - 28.07.2018

someone hlp pls

Re: Error Need Help - Netherland - 28.07.2018

spam more

Re: Error Need Help - Heress - 28.07.2018
