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[HELP] Error 19 - Printable Version

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[HELP] Error 19 - Ahmadd - 03.07.2018

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[18:26:40] Server Plugins
[18:26:40] --------------
[18:26:40] Loading plugin: crashdetect
[18:26:40] crashdetect v4.8.5 is OK.
[18:26:40] Loaded.
[18:26:40] Loading plugin: mysql
[18:26:40] >> plugin.mysql: R39-2 successfully loaded.
[18:26:40] Loaded.
[18:26:40] Loading plugin: sscanf

[18:26:40] ===============================

[18:26:40] sscanf plugin loaded.

[18:26:40] Version: 2.8.1

[18:26:40] © 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

[18:26:40] ===============================

[18:26:40] Loaded.
[18:26:40] Loading plugin: streamer
[18:26:40] Loaded.
[18:26:40] Loaded 3 plugins.

[18:26:40] Ban list
[18:26:40] --------
[18:26:40] Loaded: samp.ban
[18:26:40] Filterscripts
[18:26:40] ---------------
[18:26:40] Loading filterscript 'gps.amx'...
[18:26:40] GPS System Loaded
[18:26:40] 0, -2438.551025, 741.183044, 35.107868, Supa Save
[18:26:40] 1, -1795.019897, 576.496948, 35.166793, VIP Lounge
[18:26:40] 2, -1927.602294, 261.575897, 40.718589, Vehicle Dealership SF
[18:26:40] 3, -2621.093017, 217.150161, 4.283658, Ammunation
[18:26:40] 4, -2632.546142, 619.860168, 14.132818, Hospital
[18:26:40] 5, -1890.214599, 813.722656, 35.422653, Job Center
[18:26:40] 6, -1777.782958, 1201.687133, 24.803468, Bomb Shop
[18:26:40] 7, -1566.389892, 1170.356201, 7.187500, Mini-Games
[18:26:40] 8, -1508.060424, 923.515014, 6.869043, San Fierro Bank
[18:26:40] 12, -1424.326660, -292.509002, 14.148400, Airport SF
[18:26:40] GPS System Loaded...
[18:26:40] --------------------------------------

[18:26:40] Loading filterscript 'antirapidfire.amx'...
[18:26:40] Loading filterscript 'lab.amx'...
[18:26:40] Loading filterscript 'stunt.amx'...
[18:26:40] Loading filterscript 'shouryamaps.amx'...
[18:26:40] Loaded 5 filterscripts.

[18:26:40] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:26:40] [debug] mysql_query
[18:26:40] [debug] mysql_store_result
[18:26:41] [debug] mysql_fetch_field
[18:26:41] [debug] mysql_free_result
[18:26:41] [debug] mysql_real_escape_string
[18:26:41] [debug] mysql_fetch_row
[18:26:41] [debug] mysql_num_rows
[18:26:41] [debug] mysql_insert_id
[18:26:41] [debug] mysql_init
[18:26:41] [debug] mysql_connect
[18:26:41] [debug] mysql_close
[18:26:41] Script[gamemodes/cnr1.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[18:26:41] Number of vehicle models: 0

Im trying to run server on my computer using wampserver and czcnr script and getting this error.

Re: [HELP] Error 19 - RODELA - 03.07.2018

make sure you have every plugins.

Re: [HELP] Error 19 - Ahmadd - 03.07.2018

I have.

Re: [HELP] Error 19 - Verc - 03.07.2018

That is MySQL by StrickenKid which is vastly different from BlueG's