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SA-MP 0.3.7 Or 0.3DL For server? - Printable Version

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SA-MP 0.3.7 Or 0.3DL For server? - NinjaChicken - 01.07.2018

Forgive me if this is the wrong place to post this, but im on the verge of releasing the NLRP server again, But im conflicted weather to run it on 0.3.7 or 0.3DL, i've already added some 0.3DL features, mostly just premium IG skins, but will it attract players considering most other servers are still on 0.3.7? So basically should i give 0.3DL ago, and if it fails fall back to 0.3.7 or just run it on 0.3.7 straight away?

Re: SA-MP 0.3.7 Or 0.3DL For server? - Verc - 01.07.2018

0.3DL and use samp-compat.

Re: SA-MP 0.3.7 Or 0.3DL For server? - ghazitarazi - 01.07.2018

I prefer that you use 0.3.7 because most of samp players didn't update for 0.3DL so you would get less players

Re: SA-MP 0.3.7 Or 0.3DL For server? - Gforcez - 01.07.2018

If you're not using the features of 0.3.7DL, why use it?

Re: SA-MP 0.3.7 Or 0.3DL For server? - Chilli9434 - 01.07.2018

Like others have said, if you're not utilizing the features of 0.3.DL (or have no plans to) then there's really no point in upgrading to it.

The majority of players stayed on 0.3.7 (as far as I am aware) although the 'big' English RP servers [LSRP, RCRP] did upgrade to 0.3.DL. So it depends if you think you can compete with their servers or would find it easier reaching the larger audience on 0.3.7

Re: SA-MP 0.3.7 Or 0.3DL For server? - alexmarkel0v - 03.07.2018

If you will develop and/or put your models on the server, the SA-MP 0.3.DL

Personally I use 0.3.7

Re: SA-MP 0.3.7 Or 0.3DL For server? - datbds - 04.07.2018

The majority of players stayed on 0.3.7 (as far as I am aware) although the 'big' English RP servers [LSRP, RCRP] did upgrade to 0.3.DL. So it depends if you think you can compete with their servers or would find it easier reaching the larger audience on 0.3.7

very good

Re: SA-MP 0.3.7 Or 0.3DL For server? - m3shys - 04.07.2018

You've mentioned your mapping is mostly premium stuff.

If you want to be successful, don't focus on donators until you are big enough to not worry about your playerbase.

Only use SAMP 0.3DL (if you are a smaller server) if the custom objects will actually be implemented, used by players and make a difference to the game-mode.