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Help with adding sided money to FS - Printable Version

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Help with adding sided money to FS - iNkyz - 25.06.2018

Hello, i have a FS for my server but i wan't to know how to add sided money to id, because every time i sell something i get the money but it reduces a few seconds after, and yes me server does have sided money.

|                                                                  |
|            Advance Fishing System [ Y_INI ] Script  By FuNkY     |
|               ____            ____         ___                   |
|				|___ U N K Y	  |  HE 	|  __ R E A T          |
|               |                 |         |___|                  |

#include <a_samp> // Thanks to SA-MP team for it
#include <zcmd> // Thanks to ZeeX for it
#include <streamer> // Thanks to Incognito for it
#include <YSI\y_ini> // Thanks to ****** for it
#include <sscanf2> // Thanks to Emmet_ for it

#define FOLDER "Fishes/%s.ini" // Folder where the data of players save
#define DIALOG_MSGs 69
#define fc "{DB881A}"
#define wc "{FFFFFF}"
#define red "{ff0000}"

//// ** FISH SELL ** ////

#define SFPRICE 1500
#define BFPRICE 2000
#define VBFPRICE 2500

//// ** FOR BUY ** ////

#define FRPRICE 1000
#define BPRICE 2000
enum PlayerData
new User[MAX_PLAYERS][PlayerData];
new FishCP, FishCP1, FishCP2, FishCP3, FishCP4, FishCP5, SellShopCP , BuyShopCP;
new Timing[MAX_PLAYERS];
new Fish[MAX_PLAYERS];
new timeleft[MAX_PLAYERS];
new timer[MAX_PLAYERS];
public OnFilterScriptInit()
    FishCP = CreateDynamicCP(-2947.6274,505.9880,2.4297,1.1,-1,-1,-1,50.0);
    FishCP1 = CreateDynamicCP(-2946.6072,501.7512,2.4297,1.1,-1,-1,-1,50.0);
    FishCP2 = CreateDynamicCP(-2949.0432,500.8602,2.4297,1.1,-1,-1,-1,50.0);
    FishCP3 = CreateDynamicCP(-2975.9871,506.0298,2.4297,1.1,-1,-1,-1,50.0);
    FishCP4 = CreateDynamicCP(-2974.6274,498.9590,2.4297,1.1,-1,-1,-1,50.0);
    FishCP5 = CreateDynamicCP(-2977.2820,499.4622,2.4297,1.1,-1,-1,-1,50.0);
    BuyShopCP = CreateDynamicCP(-2961.6135,481.9231,4.9098,1.1,-1,-1,-1,50.0);
    SellShopCP = CreateDynamicCP(-2482.4253,775.1752,35.1786,1.0,-1,-1,-1,50.0);
	Create3DTextLabel("Fishing", 0xFF0000FF, -2947.6274,505.9880,2.4297, 40.0, 0, 1);
	Create3DTextLabel("Fishing", 0xFF0000FF, -2946.6072,501.7512,2.4297, 40.0, 0, 1);
	Create3DTextLabel("Fishing", 0xFF0000FF, -2949.0432,500.8602,2.4297, 40.0, 0, 1);
	Create3DTextLabel("Fishing", 0xFF0000FF, -2975.9871,506.0298,2.4297, 40.0, 0, 1);
	Create3DTextLabel("Fishing", 0xFF0000FF, -2974.6274,498.9590,2.4297, 40.0, 0, 1);
	Create3DTextLabel("Fishing", 0xFF0000FF, -2977.2820,499.4622,2.4297, 40.0, 0, 1);
	Create3DTextLabel("Buying Shop", 0xFF0000FF, -2961.6135,481.9231,4.9098, 40.0, 0, 1);
	Create3DTextLabel("Selling Shop", 0xFF0000FF, -2482.4253,775.1752,35.1786, 40.0, 0, 1);
	print(" Advance Fishing System by FuNkYTheGreat");
	print("           ----- LOADED -----"           );
	return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
	print(" Advance Fishing System by FuNkYTheGreat");
	print("           ----- UN-LOADED -----"        );
	return 1;
CMD:fstats(playerid, params[])
	new tid,string[128];

	if(!sscanf(params, "u", tid))
		if(tid == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""red"Player not connected.");
		ShowFishStats(playerid, tid);
		format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"[FISHING-STATS] "wc"%s's Stats.", GetName(tid));
		SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, string);
	    ShowFishStats(playerid, playerid);
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, ""fc"[FISHING-STATS] "wc"You can also use /stats ( playerid ).");
	return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
  		INI_ParseFile(Root(playerid), "LoadUser_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid);
    	new INI:file = INI_Open(Root(playerid));
    	INI_WriteInt(file, "SmallFish", User[playerid][SmallFish]);
     	INI_WriteInt(file, "BigFish", User[playerid][BigFish]);
      	INI_WriteInt(file, "VBigFish", User[playerid][VBigFish]);
      	INI_WriteInt(file, "FishindRods",User[playerid][FishingRod]);
      	INI_WriteInt(file, "Bait",User[playerid][Bait]);

		INI_ParseFile(Root(playerid), "LoadUser_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid);
	return 1;

public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid,reason)
  		new INI:file = INI_Open(Root(playerid));
    	INI_WriteInt(file, "SmallFish", User[playerid][SmallFish]);
     	INI_WriteInt(file, "BigFish",User[playerid][BigFish]);
      	INI_WriteInt(file, "VBigFish", User[playerid][VBigFish]);
      	INI_WriteInt(file, "FishindRods",User[playerid][FishingRod]);
      	INI_WriteInt(file, "Bait",User[playerid][Bait]);
	User[playerid][SmallFish] = 0;
 	User[playerid][BigFish] = 0;
	User[playerid][VBigFish] = 0;
  	User[playerid][FishingRod] = 0;
   	User[playerid][Bait] = 0;
	Timing[playerid]= 0;
	Fish[playerid]= 0;
	FishON[playerid]= 0;
	FRod[playerid]= 0;
	timeleft[playerid] = 0;
	timer[playerid] = 0;
 	return 1;
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid)
	new string[250];
	if(checkpointid == FishCP)
	if(User[playerid][Bait] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have any Bait to Start Fishing");
 	if(User[playerid][FishingRod] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have any Fishing Rods to Start Fishing");
 	if(FishON[playerid] == 1 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You have to wait 15 Minutes to Start fishing again");
	SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING] "wc"You have start Fishing!");
	Timing[playerid] = SetTimerEx("Timer",30000,1,"i",playerid);
	Fish[playerid] = 1;
	timeleft[playerid] = 30;
	timer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("tLeft",900,1,"i",playerid);
 	TogglePlayerControllable(playerid , false);
	SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18632, 1, -0.091109, 0.255484, 0.018155, 94.362060, 312.328125, 190.418655, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 );
	ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 3.0,1,1,0,0,0);
 	ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 3.0,1,1,0,0,0);
 	FishON[playerid] = 1;
	SetTimerEx("WaitTime",900000, 0, "d", playerid);
	if(FRod[playerid] == 5 )
	FRod[playerid] = 5;
	if(checkpointid == FishCP1)
	if(User[playerid][Bait] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have any Bait to Start Fishing");
 	if(User[playerid][FishingRod] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have any Fishing Rods to Start Fishing");
 	if(FishON[playerid] == 1 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You have to wait 15 Minutes to Start fishing again");
	SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING] "wc"You have start Fishing!");
	Timing[playerid] = SetTimerEx("Timer",30000,1,"i",playerid);
	Fish[playerid] = 1;
	timeleft[playerid] = 30;
	timer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("tLeft",900,1,"i",playerid);
 	TogglePlayerControllable(playerid , false);
	SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18632, 1, -0.091109, 0.255484, 0.018155, 94.362060, 312.328125, 190.418655, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 );
	ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 3.0,1,1,0,0,0);
 	ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 3.0,1,1,0,0,0);
 	FishON[playerid] = 1;
	SetTimerEx("WaitTime",900000, 0, "d", playerid);
	if(FRod[playerid] == 5 )
	FRod[playerid] = 5;
	if(checkpointid == FishCP2)
	if(User[playerid][Bait] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have any Bait to Start Fishing");
 	if(User[playerid][FishingRod] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have any Fishing Rods to Start Fishing");
 	if(FishON[playerid] == 1 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You have to wait 15 Minutes to Start fishing again");
	SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING] "wc"You have start Fishing!");
	Timing[playerid] = SetTimerEx("Timer",30000,1,"i",playerid);
	Fish[playerid] = 1;
	timeleft[playerid] = 30;
	timer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("tLeft",900,1,"i",playerid);
 	TogglePlayerControllable(playerid , false);
	SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18632, 1, -0.091109, 0.255484, 0.018155, 94.362060, 312.328125, 190.418655, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 );
	ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 3.0,1,1,0,0,0);
 	ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 3.0,1,1,0,0,0);
 	FishON[playerid] = 1;
	SetTimerEx("WaitTime",900000, 0, "d", playerid);
	if(FRod[playerid] == 5 )
	FRod[playerid] = 5;
	if(checkpointid == FishCP3)
	if(User[playerid][Bait] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have any Bait to Start Fishing");
 	if(User[playerid][FishingRod] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have any Fishing Rods to Start Fishing");
 	if(FishON[playerid] == 1 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You have to wait 15 Minutes to Start fishing again");
	SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING] "wc"You have start Fishing!");
	Timing[playerid] = SetTimerEx("Timer",30000,1,"i",playerid);
	Fish[playerid] = 1;
	timeleft[playerid] = 30;
	timer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("tLeft",900,1,"i",playerid);
 	TogglePlayerControllable(playerid , false);
	SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18632, 1, -0.091109, 0.255484, 0.018155, 94.362060, 312.328125, 190.418655, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 );
	ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 3.0,1,1,0,0,0);
 	ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 3.0,1,1,0,0,0);
 	FishON[playerid] = 1;
	SetTimerEx("WaitTime",900000, 0, "d", playerid);
	if(FRod[playerid] == 5 )
	FRod[playerid] = 5;
    if(checkpointid == FishCP4)
	if(User[playerid][Bait] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have any Bait to Start Fishing");
 	if(User[playerid][FishingRod] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have any Fishing Rods to Start Fishing");
 	if(FishON[playerid] == 1 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You have to wait 15 Minutes to Start fishing again");
	SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING] "wc"You have start Fishing!");
	Timing[playerid] = SetTimerEx("Timer",30000,1,"i",playerid);
	Fish[playerid] = 1;
	timeleft[playerid] = 30;
	timer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("tLeft",900,1,"i",playerid);
 	TogglePlayerControllable(playerid , false);
	SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18632, 1, -0.091109, 0.255484, 0.018155, 94.362060, 312.328125, 190.418655, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 );
	ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 3.0,1,1,0,0,0);
 	ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 3.0,1,1,0,0,0);
 	FishON[playerid] = 1;
	SetTimerEx("WaitTime",900000, 0, "d", playerid);
	if(FRod[playerid] == 5 )
	FRod[playerid] = 5;
	if(checkpointid == FishCP5)
	if(User[playerid][Bait] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have any Bait to Start Fishing");
 	if(User[playerid][FishingRod] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have any Fishing Rods to Start Fishing");
 	if(FishON[playerid] == 1 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You have to wait 15 Minutes to Start fishing again");
	SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING] "wc"You have start Fishing!");
	Timing[playerid] = SetTimerEx("Timer",30000,1,"i",playerid);
	Fish[playerid] = 1;
	timeleft[playerid] = 30;
	timer[playerid] = SetTimerEx("tLeft",900,1,"i",playerid);
 	TogglePlayerControllable(playerid , false);
	SetPlayerAttachedObject( playerid, 0, 18632, 1, -0.091109, 0.255484, 0.018155, 94.362060, 312.328125, 190.418655, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 );
	ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 3.0,1,1,0,0,0);
 	ApplyAnimation(playerid, "SAMP", "FishingIdle", 3.0,1,1,0,0,0);
 	FishON[playerid] = 1;
	SetTimerEx("WaitTime",900000, 0, "d", playerid);
	if(FRod[playerid] == 5 )
	FRod[playerid] = 5;
	else if(checkpointid == BuyShopCP)
	format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"Buy Fishing Rods\n"fc"Buy Bait");
 	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_BUYSHOP, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Buying Shop",string, "Buy", "Exit");
	else if(checkpointid == SellShopCP)
	format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"Sell Small Fish "wc"%d \n"fc"Sell Big Fish "wc"%d \n"fc"Sell Very Big Fish "wc"%d",User[playerid][SmallFish],User[playerid][BigFish],User[playerid][VBigFish]);
 	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SELLSHOP, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Selling Shop",string, "Buy", "Exit");
	return 0;

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
	if(dialogid == DIALOG_SELLSHOP)
         		case 0:
		           	if(User[playerid][SmallFish] >= 1)
		            	SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You have succesfully selled a Small Fish!");
	            		SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have enough Small Fish to sell!");
	     		case 1:
         			if(User[playerid][BigFish] >= 1)
		            	SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You have succesfully selled a Big Fish!");
		            	SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have enough Big Fish to sell!");
	     		case 2:
         			if(User[playerid][VBigFish] >= 1)
		            	SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You have succesfully selled a Very Big Fish!");
		            	SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have enough Very Big Fish to sell!");
	if(dialogid == DIALOG_BUYSHOP)
       			case 0:
        			if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= FRPRICE)
			          	SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You have succesfully buy a Fishing Rod!");
          				SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have enough money to buy a Fishing Rod!");
	     		case 1:
       				if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) >= BPRICE)
      					SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You have succesfully buy a Bait!");

          				SendClientMessage( playerid, -1 ,""fc"[FISHING]"wc" You didn't have enough money to buy a Bait!");
	return 0;
forward ShowFishStats(playerid, targetid);
public ShowFishStats(playerid, targetid)
	new string[1500], string2[1500];
 	format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"Small Fishes: "wc"%d\n", User[playerid][SmallFish]);
	strcat(string2, string);
 	format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"Big Fishes: "wc"%d\n", User[playerid][BigFish]);
	strcat(string2, string);
 	format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"Very Big Fishes: "wc"%d\n", User[playerid][VBigFish]);
	strcat(string2, string);
 	format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"Fishing Rods: "wc"%d\n", User[playerid][FishingRod]);
	strcat(string2, string);
 	format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"Bait: "wc"%d\n", User[playerid][Bait]);
	strcat(string2, string);
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_MSGs , DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Fishing Stats", string2, "Close", "");
	return 1;
forward Timer(playerid);
public Timer(playerid)
	new fishes =  1 + random(10);
	new string[250];
	switch( random( 6 ) )
	case 0,1,2,3:
		format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"[FISHING] "wc"%s Has Caught "fc"%d"wc" Small Fishes",GetName(playerid),fishes);
	    SendClientMessageToAll(-1 , string);
		format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"[FISHING] "wc"You have Caught "fc"%d"wc" Small Fishes",fishes);
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 , string);
	case 4,5:
		format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"[FISHING] "wc"%s Has Caught "fc"%d"wc" Big Fishes",GetName(playerid),fishes);
	    SendClientMessageToAll(-1 , string);
		format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"[FISHING] "wc"You have Caught "fc"%d"wc" Big Fishes",fishes);
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 , string);
	case 6:
		format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"[FISHING] "wc"%s Has Caught "fc"%d"wc" Very Big Fishes",GetName(playerid),fishes);
	    SendClientMessageToAll(-1 , string);
		format(string, sizeof(string), ""fc"[FISHING] "wc"You have Caught "fc"%d"wc" Very Big Fishes",fishes);
	    SendClientMessage(playerid, -1 , string);
	GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Fishing ~y~Complete!", 5000, 3);
	Fish[playerid] = 0;
 	TogglePlayerControllable(playerid , true);
	RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 0);
	return 1;
forward WaitTime(playerid);
public WaitTime(playerid)
    FishON[playerid] = 0;
    return 1;
forward LoadUser_data(playerid, name[], value[]);
public LoadUser_data(playerid, name[], value[])
	INI_Int("SmallFish", User[playerid][SmallFish]);
  	INI_Int("VBigFish", User[playerid][VBigFish]);
	return 1;
	new string[128],playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
   	return string;
	new pName[24];
	GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
	return pName;
forward tLeft(playerid);
public tLeft(playerid)
    new string[128];
    format(string, 128, "~r~TIME LEFT ~b~: %d", timeleft[playerid]);
	GameTextForPlayer(playerid, string , 900, 3);
	if (timeleft[playerid] == 1)
	return 1;
Credit to the FS owner i just modded the Cp's and added more fishing sopt's

Re: Help with adding sided money to FS - Jing_Chan - 26.06.2018

You'd be better off integrating this code into the main script, and not using it as a filterscript. Once you do that you can review parts of the main code and see how the rest of the script dispenses server sided money, and altering your fishing code to dispense server sided money in the same way.

Re: Help with adding sided money to FS - GTLS - 26.06.2018

This is a filterscript. You will have to add your Server Sided Money function code into this and use it instead of default one. Search your GM for what function you're using.

Re: Help with adding sided money to FS - iNkyz - 26.06.2018

Where do i look for it? im very new to scripting.

Re: Help with adding sided money to FS - iNkyz - 27.06.2018


Re: Help with adding sided money to FS - Verc - 27.06.2018

Don't bump before 24 hours.
The first reply clearly said it,you better integrate this code to your gamemode.

Re: Help with adding sided money to FS - GTLS - 27.06.2018

Originally Posted by iNkyz
Посмотреть сообщение
Where do i look for it? im very new to scripting.
press ctrl+F inside your script and look for the function heading which gives you server sided money. Copy that code and paste it inside the FS and use that function to give money.

Re: Help with adding sided money to FS - iNkyz - 27.06.2018

C:\Users\BiNcE\Desktop\CNRSF\filterscripts\fFish.p wn(31 : error 017: undefined symbol "GiveMoney"
C:\Users\BiNcE\Desktop\CNRSF\filterscripts\fFish.p wn(331) : error 017: undefined symbol "GiveMoney"
C:\Users\BiNcE\Desktop\CNRSF\filterscripts\fFish.p wn(344) : error 017: undefined symbol "GiveMoney"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

3 Errors.

Re: Help with adding sided money to FS - Verc - 27.06.2018

Migrate the code into your gamemode.

Re: Help with adding sided money to FS - Akeem - 27.06.2018

In your server main code there should be a user defined function to give player money, find the function and put it into your filterscript amd make your filterscript and inc to the main script.