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How to make players 4 trillion without negative money. Thank you - Printable Version

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How to make players 4 trillion without negative money. Thank you - nguyendinhdat - 24.06.2018

How to make players 4 trillion without negative money. Thank you

Re: How to make players 4 trillion without negative money. Thank you - Slawi - 24.06.2018

there are a lot of methods according to your script

Here a method

PHP код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
GetPlayerName(playeridpnamesizeof panme);// here get the playername for playerid
if(!strfind(pname"Player Username 1"true)// here check if playername = the trillion playername
GivePlayerMoney(playeridmoney); // here give him his money replace money with the number that you want to give
if(!strfind(pname"Player Username 2"true)
strfind(pname"Player Username 3"true)
strfind(pname"Player Username 4"true)

Re: How to make players 4 trillion without negative money. Thank you - nguyendinhdat - 24.06.2018

I need you help about Usinged Long 61 Bit for example 1 code

Re: How to make players 4 trillion without negative money. Thank you - GTLS - 24.06.2018

You can only display default value on GTA SA Hud icons. What you can do is, create your own TextDraw with what ever number of limit you want and then you can set the string to any number. 4 Trillions or 9 Trillions. (Make sure length is enough).

Re: How to make players 4 trillion without negative money. Thank you - Lokii - 24.06.2018

The max you can is 999,999,999 going higher will give values like 14002884

Re: How to make players 4 trillion without negative money. Thank you - DerickClark - 24.06.2018

Maybe have a bank system. To store some of the money.