public OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw(playerid, PlayerText:playertextid) { CallRemoteFunction("OPCPTD", "ii", playerid, playertextid); return 1; }
`CallRemoteFunction` (and its local partner) are declared to take `{Float,_}:` which means it only accepts `Float` and `_` (no tag). You need to de-tag any arguments to avoid tag mismatch warnings.
public OnPlayerEditDynamicObject(playerid, objectid, response, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rx, Float:ry, Float:rz) { CallRemoteFunction("OPEDO", "iidffffff", playerid, objectid, response, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz); return 1; }
Ah, the wiki is incorrect here as the definition is definitely either Float or _ and nothing else.
There is currently no way to specify "any tag" but there is an open issue for it here: |