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QnA - Ahmadd - 01.06.2018

Which window should i install on my pc for samp and scripting? Well, i used windows 7 for a long time and virus spread so fast on windows 7. Never used windows 10 but I've heard that windows 10 use much internet for updating? (Don't know if it's ture) I hate it too... So guys please recommend me a good window for samp, scripting and other stuffs like internet browsing.


Re: QnA - Gforcez - 01.06.2018

Windows? Always go for the latest version for regular security updates and bugfixes. So just grab Windows 10, you can disable automatic updates if you don't like it and do the updates whenever you want.

Re: QnA - GTLS - 01.06.2018

Buy windows 10. You can set your wifi/broadband to Metered connection and it wont start downloading updates automatically. Windows 10 Pro and above users get option to disable auto updates but it costs a little more than Windows 10 Home.

Re: QnA - Ahmadd - 01.06.2018

Ohh forgot to mention.... Will windows 10 pro gonna run smooth on this specs?

Intel Core 2 Quad q9650
8GB ram ddr3
500GB hhd

Re: QnA - GTLS - 01.06.2018

idk if Q9650 supports DX12 or not(mostly dont think so) but you can still install it if your M/B has supported drivers.

Ram and HDD are enough.

Re: QnA - Sew_Sumi - 01.06.2018

If you get infected with viruses, it's because you're downloading infected shit... Nothing to do with the operating system.

(Windows 10 will give you most runtimes, but it will make you feel slow, where as if you had windows 7 with all the drivers if available, it'll likely be better. Windows 10 is probably best, but you should also purchase it so you don't infect yourself with shit again trying to get yourself setup)