Entrance:CreateEntrance(name[], Float:out_x, Float:out_y, Float:out_z, Float:out_a, out_i, out_v, Float:in_x, Float:in_y, Float:in_z, Float:in_a, in_i, in_v)
GetEntranceName(Entrance:index, name[], length = sizeof(name))
IsPlayerInRangeOfEntrance(playerid, Entrance:index, Float:range = 3.0)
IsPlayerInEntrance(playerid, Entrance:index, Float:range = 20.0)
GetPlayerClosestEntranceID(playerid, Float:range = 3.0)
new Entrance:CityHall;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
CityHall = CreateEntrance("Los Santos City Hall", 1481.0654, -1771.8755, 18.7958, 356.3838, 0, 0, 390.1687, 173.8072, 1008.3828, 90.0000, 3, 69);
return 1;
public OnPlayerEnterEntrance(playerid, Entrance:entranceid)
if (entranceid == CityHall)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Welcome to City Hall.");
return 1;
public OnPlayerExitEntrance(playerid, Entrance:entranceid)
if (entranceid == CityHall)
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You left City Hall.");
return 1;
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public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys) { if ((newkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK)) { for (new Entrance:i; i < gTotalEntrances; i ++) { if (IsPlayerInRangeOfEntrance(playerid, i)) {