CMD:breakcuff(playerid, params[])
if(PoliceTeam(GetPlayerSkin(playerid))) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{ff0000}Error: {Ffffff}Only Civilian can use this comamnd.");
new targetid;
if(BeginArrested[targetid] == 1 && Civilian(GetPlayerSkin(targetid)))
SendClientMessage(targetid, -1, "{FF7000}YOU HAVE BEEN ESCAPED FROM ARRESTED!!! RUN RUN !!!!");
SetPlayerWantedLevel(targetid, 3);
SetPlayerColor(targetid, YELLOW);
GameTextForPlayer(targetid, "~Y~ESCAPED FROM ~G~ARRESTED ~P~ RUN BABY!!!", 7000, 5);
BeginArrested[targetid] = 0;
else if SendClientMessage(targetid, -1, "{FF0000}Error: {FFFFFF}You can use this command only while be cuffed or arrested.");
return 1;
CMD:breakcuff(playerid, params[])
return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{ff0000}Error: {Ffffff}Only Civilian can use this comamnd.");
if(BeginArrested[playerid] == 1 && Civilian(GetPlayerSkin(playerid)))
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF7000}YOU HAVE BEEN ESCAPED FROM ARRESTED!!! RUN RUN !!!!");
SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 3);
SetPlayerColor(playerid, YELLOW);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~Y~ESCAPED FROM ~G~ARRESTED ~P~ RUN BABY!!!", 7000, 5);
BeginArrested[playerid] = 0;
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FF0000}Error: {FFFFFF}You can use this command only while be cuffed or arrested.");
return 1;
What happens when second player use this command?
edit: targetid is always 0. You didnt set it any value. You have to check params and then set targetid value. I am not sure how do you want this command works, but try this: PHP код:
Hi again you using the same shitty system? I bet that you'll get many bugs if you continue this way. |