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Another help - Printable Version

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Another help - DarkMythHunter - 28.04.2018


Is this what they called textbox? Or what?

And how can I make one? Sorry im new for scripting lol.

Re: Another help - Logic_ - 28.04.2018

Quit making threads for such help; Get a Discord, hop into the SA-MP discord and we'll answer your stupid questions there. They are called dialogs by the way and you could have found them with a simple search on SA-MP wiki @

Re: Another help - DarkMythHunter - 28.04.2018

Originally Posted by Logic_
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Quit making threads for such help; Get a Discord, hop into the SA-MP discord and we'll answer your stupid questions there. They are called dialogs by the way and you could have found them with a simple search on SA-MP wiki @
What is the samp discord? Invite link pls? and what do you guys call this thing:

Re: Another help - std - 28.04.2018

Originally Posted by DarkMythHunter
Посмотреть сообщение
What is the samp discord? Invite link pls? and what do you guys call this thing:
that's also a dialog. a dialog can have different styles

Re: Another help - ItsRobinson - 28.04.2018



Dialog Styles


public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) 
        if(dialogid == 0 && response)
                 SendClientMessage(playerid, 1, "You have just seen a message dialog");
                 return 1;
	return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
	new cmd[256+1];
	new idx;
	cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);

	if(strcmp(cmd, "/showmessage", true) == 0)
  	    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 0, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "This is a message", "This is a message box dialog", "Ok", "");
	    return 1;
        return 1;
SA:MP Discord: Click Me!

Re: Another help - Sew_Sumi - 28.04.2018

People should be clear that that Discord, isn't official.