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[Sloved]Mysql problem - ScottMcBean - 21.04.2018

Hello every one im facting a problem. when i create an entrance in my server it show's the ID Like this

But on the DB i see id 0 so like that all entrances are commited that is bugged these are the codes
PHP код:
forward OnAdminCreateEntrance(playeridentranceidname[], Float:xFloat:yFloat:zFloat:angle);
OnAdminCreateEntrance(playeridentranceidname[], Float:xFloat:yFloat:zFloat:angle)
strcpy(EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOwner], "Nobody"MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
strcpy(EntranceInfo[entranceid][eName], name40);
strcpy(EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePassword], "None"64);
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eExists] = 1;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eID] = cache_insert_id(connectionID);
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOwnerID] = 0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eIcon] = 1239;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eLocked] = 0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eRadius] = 3.0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosX] = x;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosY] = y;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosZ] = z;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosA] = angle;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eIntX] = 0.0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eIntY] = 0.0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eIntZ] = 0.0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eIntA] = 0.0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eInterior] = 0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eWorld] = EntranceInfo[entranceid][eID] + 4000000;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOutsideInt] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOutsideVW] = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eAdminLevel] = 0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eFactionType] = FACTION_NONE;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eGang] = -1;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eVIP] = 0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eVehicles] = 0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eFreeze] = 0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eLabel] = 1;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eType] = 0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eMapIcon] = 0;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eText] = Text3D:INVALID_3DTEXT_ID;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePickup] = -1;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eMapIconID] = -1;
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eColor] = -256;
mysql_format(connectionIDqueryBuffersizeof(queryBuffer), "UPDATE entrances SET world = %i WHERE id = %i"EntranceInfo[entranceid][eWorld], EntranceInfo[entranceid][eID]);
SendClientMessageEx(playeridCOLOR_GREEN"** Entrance %i created successfully."entranceid);

And this the entrances mysql input
PHP код:
CREATE TABLE `entrances` (
idint(10NOT NULL,
owneridint(10) DEFAULT '0',
ownervarchar(24) DEFAULT NULL,
namevarchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
iconidsmallint(5) DEFAULT '1239',
lockedtinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
radiusfloat DEFAULT '3',
pos_xfloat DEFAULT '0',
pos_yfloat DEFAULT '0',
pos_zfloat DEFAULT '0',
pos_afloat DEFAULT '0',
int_xfloat DEFAULT '0',
int_yfloat DEFAULT '0',
int_zfloat DEFAULT '0',
int_afloat DEFAULT '0',
interiortinyint(2) DEFAULT '0',
worldint(10) DEFAULT '0',
outsideinttinyint(2) DEFAULT '0',
outsidevwint(10) DEFAULT '0',
adminleveltinyint(2) DEFAULT '0',
factiontypetinyint(2) DEFAULT '0',
viptinyint(2) DEFAULT '0',
vehiclestinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
freezetinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
passwordvarchar(64) DEFAULT 'None',
labeltinyint(1) DEFAULT '1',
mapicontinyint(3NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
gangtinyint(2) DEFAULT '-1',
typetinyint(2) DEFAULT '0',
colorint(10) DEFAULT '-256'
Even if i create another entrance the ID 0 and the bug the interiors are commited

Re: Mysql problem - JesterlJoker - 21.04.2018

I don't think the problem is in there...

Can you show me how you create the icons and the text above?

I think its in the way you use your iterate

Re: Mysql problem - ScottMcBean - 21.04.2018

Originally Posted by JesterlJoker
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I don't think the problem is in there...

Can you show me how you create the icons and the text above?

I think its in the way you use your iterate
You mean this?
PHP код:
name[40], Float:xFloat:yFloat:zFloat:a;
PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] < && !PlayerInfo[playerid][pGangMod])
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_GREY"You are not authorized to use this command.");
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_GREY3"[Usage]: /createentrance [name]");
GetNearbyEntrance(playerid) >= 0)
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_GREY"There is an entrance in range. Find somewhere else to create this one.");
mysql_format(connectionIDqueryBuffersizeof(queryBuffer), "INSERT INTO entrances (name, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, pos_a, outsideint, outsidevw) VALUES('%e', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', %i, %i)"namexyz180.0GetPlayerInterior(playerid), GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid));
SendClientMessage(playeridCOLOR_GREY"Entrance slots are currently full. Ask Kirito to increase the internal limit.");

Re: Mysql problem - JesterlJoker - 21.04.2018

No that's the create command. What I mean is when you create the icons.

This one

PHP код:
Create3DTextLabel(text[], colorFloat:XFloat:YFloat:ZFloat:DrawDistancevirtualworldtestLOS=0)
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(const text[], colorFloat:xFloat:yFloat:zFloat:drawdistanceattachedplayer INVALID_PLAYER_IDattachedvehicle INVALID_VEHICLE_IDtestlos 0worldid = -1interiorid = -1playerid = -1Float:streamdistance STREAMER_3D_TEXT_LABEL_SDSTREAMER_TAG_AREA areaid STREAMER_TAG_AREA -1)
CreateDynamic3DTextLabelEx(const text[], colorFloat:xFloat:yFloat:zFloat:drawdistanceattachedplayer INVALID_PLAYER_IDattachedvehicle INVALID_VEHICLE_IDtestlos 0Float:streamdistance STREAMER_3D_TEXT_LABEL_SDworlds[] = { -}, interiors[] = { -}, players[] = { -}, STREAMER_TAG_AREA areas[] = { STREAMER_TAG_AREA -}, maxworlds sizeof worldsmaxinteriors sizeof interiorsmaxplayers sizeof playersmaxareas sizeof areas
I don't know which ones you are using.

Also to help you more, its when you buffer, load, or create the entrance of the house.

Re: Mysql problem - ScottMcBean - 21.04.2018

Originally Posted by JesterlJoker
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No that's the create command. What I mean is when you create the icons.

This one

PHP код:
Create3DTextLabel(text[], colorFloat:XFloat:YFloat:ZFloat:DrawDistancevirtualworldtestLOS=0)
CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(const text[], colorFloat:xFloat:yFloat:zFloat:drawdistanceattachedplayer INVALID_PLAYER_IDattachedvehicle INVALID_VEHICLE_IDtestlos 0worldid = -1interiorid = -1playerid = -1Float:streamdistance STREAMER_3D_TEXT_LABEL_SDSTREAMER_TAG_AREA areaid STREAMER_TAG_AREA -1)
CreateDynamic3DTextLabelEx(const text[], colorFloat:xFloat:yFloat:zFloat:drawdistanceattachedplayer INVALID_PLAYER_IDattachedvehicle INVALID_VEHICLE_IDtestlos 0Float:streamdistance STREAMER_3D_TEXT_LABEL_SDworlds[] = { -}, interiors[] = { -}, players[] = { -}, STREAMER_TAG_AREA areas[] = { STREAMER_TAG_AREA -}, maxworlds sizeof worldsmaxinteriors sizeof interiorsmaxplayers sizeof playersmaxareas sizeof areas
I don't know which ones you are using.

Also to help you more, its when you buffer, load, or create the entrance of the house.
Here up
PHP код:
format(stringsizeof(string), "%s\nOwner: %s\nPress 'Y' to go inside\n Entrance Id %d"EntranceInfo[entranceid][eName], EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOwner], entranceid);
format(stringsizeof(string), "%s\nPress 'Y' to go inside\n Entrance Id %d."EntranceInfo[entranceid][eName], entranceid);
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(stringCOLOR_GREY1EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosX], EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosY], (EntranceInfo[entranceid][eIcon] == 19902) ? (EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosZ] + 0.1) : (EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosZ]), 10.0, .worldid EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOutsideVW], .interiorid EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOutsideInt]);
EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(EntranceInfo[entranceid][eIcon], 1EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosX], EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosY], (EntranceInfo[entranceid][eIcon] == 19902) ? (EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosZ] - 1.0) : (EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosZ]), .worldid EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOutsideVW], .interiorid EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOutsideInt]); 

Re: Mysql problem - JesterlJoker - 21.04.2018

Ahh I see the problem

PHP код:
    for(new 0MAX_ENTRANCES++) 
mysql_format(connectionIDqueryBuffersizeof(queryBuffer), "INSERT INTO entrances (name, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, pos_a, outsideint, outsidevw) VALUES('%e', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', %i, %i)"namexyz180.0GetPlayerInterior(playerid), GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)); 
// Use break instead of return 1; It'll stop the loop.

Check this out link!

As I've seen the loop continues up to the MAX_ENTRANCES you have made for your server, it does not get stopped because you were using return and not break.

Re: Mysql problem - ScottMcBean - 21.04.2018

Originally Posted by JesterlJoker
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Ahh I see the problem

PHP код:
    for(new 0MAX_ENTRANCES++) 
mysql_format(connectionIDqueryBuffersizeof(queryBuffer), "INSERT INTO entrances (name, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z, pos_a, outsideint, outsidevw) VALUES('%e', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', %i, %i)"namexyz180.0GetPlayerInterior(playerid), GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid)); 
// Use break instead of return 1; It'll stop the loop.

Check this out link!

As I've seen the loop continues up to the MAX_ENTRANCES you have made for your server, it does not get stopped because you were using return and not break.
So just i need to add break on that then it will be sloved?

Re: Mysql problem - JesterlJoker - 21.04.2018

Apparently yes, it should do it, if not then I'll ask another snippet from your code until we fix it. But that would do the trick as far as I can see, of what you have shown me.

Re: Mysql problem - ScottMcBean - 21.04.2018

Originally Posted by ScottMcBean
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Here up
PHP код:
format(stringsizeof(string), "%s\nOwner: %s\nPress 'Y' to go inside\n Entrance Id %d"EntranceInfo[entranceid][eName], EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOwner], entranceid);
format(stringsizeof(string), "%s\nPress 'Y' to go inside\n Entrance Id %d."EntranceInfo[entranceid][eName], entranceid);
EntranceInfo[entranceid][eText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(stringCOLOR_GREY1EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosX], EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosY], (EntranceInfo[entranceid][eIcon] == 19902) ? (EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosZ] + 0.1) : (EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosZ]), 10.0, .worldid EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOutsideVW], .interiorid EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOutsideInt]);
EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(EntranceInfo[entranceid][eIcon], 1EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosX], EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosY], (EntranceInfo[entranceid][eIcon] == 19902) ? (EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosZ] - 1.0) : (EntranceInfo[entranceid][ePosZ]), .worldid EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOutsideVW], .interiorid EntranceInfo[entranceid][eOutsideInt]); 
I have maked 3 entrances here how they show up

Re: Mysql problem - JesterlJoker - 21.04.2018

PHP код:
The variable does not get changed to 1, it also should be saved in your database.