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Server crashed while executing Roleplay.amx - Printable Version

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Server crashed while executing Roleplay.amx - Richturtle - 16.04.2018

Anyone can help me to fix this error? when i login to the server, my server is got crash.

[18:05:47] [debug] #0 native fwrite () [00405710] from samp-server.exe
[18:05:47] [debug] #1 000d7198 in ?? () from Roleplay.amx
[18:05:47] [debug] #2 00365618 in public OnDialogResponse () from Roleplay.amx
[18:05:47] [debug] System backtrace:
[18:05:48] [debug] #0 0040534e in ?? () from C:\Documents and Settings\CyberIndo\Desktop\GGRP\samp-server.exe

Re: Server crashed while executing Roleplay.amx - Sithis - 16.04.2018

Compile your gamemode with debug information (-d3) and check on what line the server crashes.

It looks like a logging issue.

Re: Server crashed while executing Roleplay.amx - Richturtle - 16.04.2018

Hmm what's your mean? sorry, i dont understand

Re: Server crashed while executing Roleplay.amx - Sithis - 16.04.2018

Re: Server crashed while executing Roleplay.amx - Fairuz - 16.04.2018

maybe Your server wants to write in a file but the folder/file isn't existed

Re: Server crashed while executing Roleplay.amx - Richturtle - 18.04.2018

Problem fixed, I missing a file on scriptfiles. thanks guys!!