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formatex and y_va - Fairuz - 12.04.2018

PHP код:
Message(playeridcolourfmat[], {Float,_}:...)
formatex(gs_Buffersizeof(gs_Buffer), fmat___(3));

message.pwn(64) : error 017: undefined symbol "___"
based on:

Re: formatex and y_va - kovac - 12.04.2018

What are you trying to output? Why formatting when you're not passing any variables to it?
What does Float parameter do in your function?
Why not using SendClientMessage?

Re: formatex and y_va - m4karow - 12.04.2018

Originally Posted by kovac
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What are you trying to output? Why formatting when you're not passing any variables to it?
What does Float parameter do in your function?
Why not using SendClientMessage?
you dont know what is this dont ask stupid questions

Re: formatex and y_va - JesterlJoker - 12.04.2018

which version are you using?

Re: formatex and y_va - Fairuz - 12.04.2018

Thanks,I updated YSI and it compiled.