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Actors - VirtualWorlds - Printable Version

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Actors - VirtualWorlds - Oficer - 06.04.2018

Hi, I have 1 interrior and many doors to him, when player enters on interrior server set his virtualworld.
A simple example:
Coordinates: First Doors - Virtualworld = 1
Coordinates: Second Doors - Vritualworld = 2
In my interrior I add actor and I have problem, because actor is visible in one virtualworld. Do you have any idea? :/

Re: Actors - VirtualWorlds - ForCop - 06.04.2018

try to add SetActorVirtualWorld(actorid, vworld);

Re: Actors - VirtualWorlds - Dayrion - 07.04.2018

You want actors should be visible in every virtual world or just one?
Plus, do you use dynamic or static actor?

Re: Actors - VirtualWorlds - ForCop - 07.04.2018

Originally Posted by Oficer
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Hi, I have 1 interrior and many doors to him, when player enters on interrior server set his virtualworld.
A simple example:
Coordinates: First Doors - Virtualworld = 1
Coordinates: Second Doors - Vritualworld = 2
In my interrior I add actor and I have problem, because actor is visible in one virtualworld. Do you have any idea? :/
to dynamic add to creation CreateDynamicActor, "worldid = -1" is for all wirtual words.
CreateDynamicActor(modelid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:r, invulnerable = true, Float:health = 100.0, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:streamdistance = STREAMER_ACTOR_SD, STREAMER_TAG_AREA areaid = STREAMER_TAG_AREA -1, priority = 0);

Re: Actors - VirtualWorlds - m4karow - 07.04.2018

worldid -1 dont work for me....

Re: Actors - VirtualWorlds - ForCop - 07.04.2018

Originally Posted by m4karow
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worldid -1 dont work for me....
you use streamer CreateDynamicActor?

Re: Actors - VirtualWorlds - m4karow - 07.04.2018


Re: Actors - VirtualWorlds - ForCop - 07.04.2018

Originally Posted by m4karow
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update plugin

Re: Actors - VirtualWorlds - m4karow - 07.04.2018

to what? i have the latest version