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IRC SYSTEM - 1fret - 01.04.2018

Ok i'm willing to add an irc system to my server but i have no clue how IRC works etc.. Iv'e been looking for tutorials and all seems to be outdated and when i try to set it up it goes down hill, so this is what i'm requesting, it would be nice if you guys can direct me to an excellent tutorial or even PM me instructions on how to create a IRC system i'm willing to learn because it could be a good additive to my server for future updates. So please leave your links below so i can review then or even add me on skype or discord and help me out there.

Skype : Genna - From Jamaica
Discord: Govanna#1719

Re: IRC SYSTEM - Dayrion - 01.04.2018

Post here

Re: IRC SYSTEM - 1fret - 01.04.2018

Originally Posted by Dayrion
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i am not looking for someone to do it , i just need some quick explanation on how it works and how to get it done.

Re: IRC SYSTEM - UFF - 02.04.2018

Originally Posted by 1fret
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Ok i'm willing to add an irc system to my server but i have no clue how IRC works etc.. Iv'e been looking for tutorials and all seems to be outdated and when i try to set it up it goes down hill, so this is what i'm requesting, it would be nice if you guys can direct me to an excellent tutorial or even PM me instructions on how to create a IRC system i'm willing to learn because it could be a good additive to my server for future updates. So please leave your links below so i can review then or even add me on skype or discord and help me out there.

Skype : Genna - From Jamaica
Discord: Govanna#1719
IRC is Internet Relay Chat, You can made2 channels for admins and players(if you want).
So more futhuer , you have to define the channels with irc host and irc post.
And there is only 1 code a simple code that is used to send the message of the server to display on IRC.

IRC_GroupSay(ircGroup, channelname, text);
Here is a IRC system, maybe check this script out and it will be helpful,
If you still don't understand, pm me i will help you personally.

Re: IRC SYSTEM - 1fret - 03.04.2018

Originally Posted by UFF
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IRC is Internet Relay Chat, You can made2 channels for admins and players(if you want).
So more futhuer , you have to define the channels with irc host and irc post.
And there is only 1 code a simple code that is used to send the message of the server to display on IRC.

IRC_GroupSay(ircGroup, channelname, text);
Here is a IRC system, maybe check this script out and it will be helpful,
If you still don't understand, pm me i will help you personally.
Ok so i took you advise on the irc filterscript i reviewed it and and i understand most of it so far.. I wanted the irc system to enhance my anti-cheat and to help admins protect server while offline as well hence regular players won't use it.

Now could you explain what are these (02 , 07 etc..), and when and why to use them.

Whats the difference between a bots mainnickname, alternate nickname, username and realname?

How do i restrict center admins from using center commands like IG and also how to assign admin to a certain player?

example player A and B are admins on the server, player A is level 1 and Player b is level 2, player A is restricted from offline banning but player B is allowed to, how would i restrict player A from using the offline ban command on IRC?

I have notice that if a bot is not in a channel it wont send the message to the channel, how do i add a bot to a channel?

Re: IRC SYSTEM - 1fret - 04.04.2018


Re: IRC SYSTEM - Sithis - 04.04.2018

To be honest with you, don't bother using IRC any longer for SA:MP. There are better alternatives such as Slack, and for gaming, Discord. Discord servers are easy to set up and connect with your gamemode:

The major upside Discord has over IRC is the fact that the messages are saved including their history. Also, the messages will be available on both PC's and mobile devices.