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Dialog not showing - Printable Version

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Dialog not showing - TrueThing - 16.03.2018

Hello i am trying to make a dialog which will show the businesses i own but whenever i try to open the dialog nothing happens i tried crashdetect but not showing any errors this is my code:

case 2:
	new string4[128], string5[228];
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0] > 0)
		format(string4, sizeof(string4), "BusinessID\tBusiness Name\tBusiness Earnings\n%d\t%s\t$%d", PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0], BusInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0]][bName], BusInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0]][bEarning]);
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0] == 0)
		format(string4, sizeof(string4), "BusinessID\tBusiness Name\tBusiness Earnings\n-1\tNone\t$0");
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1] > 0)
		format(string5, sizeof(string5), "%s\n%d\t%s\t%d", string4, PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1], BusInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1]][bName],BusInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1]][bEarning]);
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1] == 0)
		format(string5, sizeof(string5), "%s\n-1\tNone\t$0", string4);

	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_MY_BUSINESSES, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "My Businesses", string5, "Locate", "Back");

Re: Dialog not showing - Maximun - 16.03.2018

PHP код:
case 2:
string4[128], string5[228];
PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0] > 0)
format(string4sizeof(string4), "BusinessID\tBusiness Name\tBusiness Earnings\n%d\t%s\t$%d"PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0], BusInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0]][bName], BusInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0]][bEarning]);
    else if(
PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0] == 0)
format(string4sizeof(string4), "BusinessID\tBusiness Name\tBusiness Earnings\n-1\tNone\t$0");
PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1] > 0)
format(string5sizeof(string5), "%s\n%d\t%s\t%d"string4PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1], BusInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1]][bName],BusInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1]][bEarning]);
    else if(
PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1] == 0)
format(string5sizeof(string5), "%s\n-1\tNone\t$0"string4);
ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_MY_BUSINESSESDIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS"My Businesses"string5"Locate""Back");

Re: Dialog not showing - TrueThing - 16.03.2018

its the same i already tried else if

Re: Dialog not showing - Maximun - 16.03.2018

Are you sure that 'case 2:' is done? If no, you can try with 'printf'

Re: Dialog not showing - TrueThing - 16.03.2018

				case 2:
                    printf("before if statment");
				    new string4[128], string5[228];
                    printf("after variable creations");
				    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0] > 0)
				        format(string4, sizeof(string4), "BusinessID\tBusiness Name\tBusiness Earnings\n%d\t%s\t$%d", PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0], BusInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0]][bName], BusInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0]][bEarning]);
				    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][0] == 0)
				        format(string4, sizeof(string4), "BusinessID\tBusiness Name\tBusiness Earnings\n-1\tNone\t$0");
				    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1] > 0)
				        format(string5, sizeof(string5), "%s\n%d\t%s\t%d", string4, PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1], BusInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1]][bName],BusInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1]][bEarning]);
				    else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusinessID][1] == 0)
				        format(string5, sizeof(string5), "%s\n-1\tNone\t$0", string4);
                    printf("After if statment");
				    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_MY_BUSINESSES, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "My Businesses", string5, "Locate", "Back");
                    printf("After showdialog");
yes case 2 is called this is the output
before if statment
after variable creations
After if statment
After showdialog

Re: Dialog not showing - iKarim - 16.03.2018


Re: Dialog not showing - TrueThing - 16.03.2018

Originally Posted by iKarim
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i dont think this has anything to do with the problem

Re: Dialog not showing - MadeMan - 16.03.2018

You could be formatting string4 but showing string5 which is empty. I think it does not show dialogs with empty content.

Re: Dialog not showing - TrueThing - 16.03.2018

Originally Posted by MadeMan
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You could be formatting string4 but showing string5 which is empty. I think it does not show dialogs with empty content.
no i am not doing that take a look at the code

Re: Dialog not showing - MadeMan - 16.03.2018

Print the values of pBusinessID, string4, string5 before showing the dialog.