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Is Business in Gangzone - Printable Version

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Is Business in Gangzone - SeanDenZYR - 14.03.2018

i can't thing of any way to do it, i'd like some help or the code itself, i really need it

Re: Is Business in Gangzone - FailerZ - 14.03.2018

Use this function
pawn Код:
IsPointInArea(Float:X, Float:Y, Float:MinX, Float:MinY, Float:MaxX, Float:MaxY)
    if(X > MinX && X < MaxX && Y > MinY && Y < MaxY)
        return true;

    return false;
Feed the X and Y from the entrance to the business point (pickup/checkpoint pos) and the MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY the gangzone borders area (You find them in were you have created the gang zone)