OnPlayerTakeDamage, weaponid 54 issue - Printable Version
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OnPlayerTakeDamage, weaponid 54 issue -
Milak - 10.03.2018
Hello, I have a problem with weaponid 54 called in OnPlayerTakeDamage callback. When player fell on the ground from a height then he dies. I want take damage from him, for example only 5 hp.
Re: OnPlayerTakeDamage, weaponid 54 issue -
Josh_Main - 10.03.2018
Are you using GivePlayerWeapon? Or WEAPON_COLLISION? You cannot use GivePlayerWeapon
Re: OnPlayerTakeDamage, weaponid 54 issue -
Sew_Sumi - 10.03.2018
https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=615646 Has info directly relating to this instance.
https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=606430 Has info relating to all other aspects of stopping damage.
Re: OnPlayerTakeDamage, weaponid 54 issue -
Milak - 10.03.2018
Thank you all for replies, I have idea to make player "god", I'll create textdraw to hide the real health bar and then player will has always 1000 hp or something.