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What's wrong here? - IdonTmiss - 06.03.2018

	if(hittedplaya[issuerid] >= 4)
		if(PoliceDuty[playerid] == 1)
			if(PI[issuerid][pWanted] < 1)
				PI[issuerid][pWanted] += 4;		
				DidACrime(issuerid, 255, "Attack on federal agents");
				lz_SetPlayerWantedLevel(issuerid, PI[issuerid][pWanted]);
			if(PI[issuerid][pWanted] < 1)
				PI[issuerid][pWanted] += 4;		
				DidACrime(issuerid, 255, "Attacking People");
				lz_SetPlayerWantedLevel(issuerid, PI[issuerid][pWanted]);
and i get this error
[02:57:10] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[02:57:10] [debug]  Accessing element at index 65535 past array upper bound 499
[02:57:10] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[02:57:10] [debug] #0 00790c88 in ?? (0, 65535, 1084122727, 54, 3) from RPG.amx
[02:57:10] [debug] #1 0000dc94 in public OnPlayerTakeDamage (0, 65535, 1084122727, 54, 3) from RPG.amx

Re: What's wrong here? - Sew_Sumi - 06.03.2018

Means you aren't checking if the INVALID_PLAYER_ID is the issuer, and making code to cope with that out of bounds error.

Re: What's wrong here? - X337 - 06.03.2018

Check if issuerid is not INVALID_PLAYER_ID before processing it

Edit: sew_sumi was faster

Re: What's wrong here? - IdonTmiss - 06.03.2018

thanks both of you