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[FilterScript] [FS]All Animations v.0.1 - v.0.3 - Printable Version

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[FS]All Animations v.0.1 - v.0.3 - ^Woozie^ - 10.07.2007

GTA San Andreas Animations - All In One FS!
Author: Dr.Psycho aka Woozie
Last Version: 0.3
First Release Date: July 10, 2007
Last Release Date: March 7, 2009

Possibilities v.0.2:
[+]1700-1800 animations
[+]You can use animation in vehicle Screen
[+]You can adjust parametres of animations directly in game
Standart - ApplyAnimation(playerid,"BAR","Barserve_order",4.1 ,0,1,1,1,1);
by Psycho - ApplyAnimation(playerid,"BAR","Barserve_order",FF[playerid],o1[playerid],o2[playerid],o3[playerid],o4[playerid],o5[player
[+]Added commands /animcpo1 /animcpo2 /animcpo3 /animcpo4 /animcpo5 /animfloat /animstop /standart(all animations parameters standart)
[+]New anims(sex too)I took them from Hot Coffee
[+]Registration is changed
Possibilities v.0.3:
[+] The System of animations is truncated three times than previous, functionality remained that.
Lenght: Dr. Psycho - 1687 lines, OKStyle - 3788 lines.
The sizes: Dr. Psycho - 48kb (pwn), 271kb (amx), OKStyle - 179 Kb (pwn), 172 Kb (amx)
[+] Two languages in system of animations. System language changes through variable L.
[+] Function TogglePlayerControllableP - If you will build in to yourselves in fashions a mode of animations replace with all standard functions frosts. And then players cannot be defrozen through animation.
[+] The Administrator can disconnect/include system of animations by a command.
[+] Animations are strongly truncated.This way works if at once to add only it in fashions.
1. We open catalogue Animations> Animations v.0.3> II
2. We take include that there lays and is pushed in a folder includes.
3. We register in top a script #include <animations2>
We go in OnPlayerConnect and it is added there
   FF [playerid] = 4.1; 
   o1 [playerid] = 0;
   o2 [playerid] = 1;
   o3 [playerid] = 1;
   o4 [playerid] = 1;
   o5 [playerid] = 1;
Then we go to end OnPlayerCommandText and it is replaced return 0; on return OnPlayerAnimCommandText (playerid, cmdtext);
4. I congratulate, you successfully installed animations to yourselves in fashions.

In what a success secret? Now all animations in includes.
Opening catalogue Animations> Animations v.0.3>
You will see 2 versions. The first normal, the second extreme is truncated. But functionality at both 100%

Download Versions 0.1-0.3

Re: [FS]All Animations - Cenaf - 10.07.2007

kinda very kewl system. Tested by me

I got much fun with this animations

Re: [FS]All Animations - Alejandro - 10.07.2007

i agree, this is pretty cool. props.

Re: [FS]All Animations - MaTrIx4057 - 10.07.2007

Yeah very nice.

Re: [FS]All Animations - ShadowDemon - 10.07.2007

wtf is


I wil try it....

Re: [FS]All Animations - BROTH3R - 10.07.2007

It's very cool scritp! Thx Woozie

Re: [FS]All Animations - Alejandro - 10.07.2007

i have a question. how do you loop the animations?

Re: [FS]All Animations - Cenaf - 10.07.2007

just type same command again and again, thats gonna loop animation
But i think its imposible without lags, and this animations aren't looped as i remember...

Re: [FS]All Animations - [PCM]AaronLindu - 10.07.2007

sounds good
downloading here

Re: [FS]All Animations - Joske_Vermeulen - 10.07.2007

nice but you should translate EVERYTHING to english.

Re: [FS]All Animations - Hax - 10.07.2007

Very nice, but it will be better if you translate it to english

Re: [FS]All Animations - Alejandro - 10.07.2007

Originally Posted by Cenaf
just type same command again and again, thats gonna loop animation
nobody's gunna wanna keep typing in the /command every second, thats irratating and unamusing.

Re: [FS]All Animations - ^Woozie^ - 10.07.2007
English version amx and pwn

Re: [FS]All Animations - GanG$Ta - 10.07.2007

can someone add the english version to because if i open that rarfile it shows up a error that the archive is damaged.

Re: [FS]All Animations - Vax_One - 10.07.2007

yay than you woozie another FS to my server very nice

Re: [FS]All Animations - TomeK - 12.07.2007

Thx Woozie for eng version

Re: [FS]All Animations - Warriors_Tornado - 12.07.2007

this has many commands funny
i had only 40 bu this is awsum cool

Re: [FS]All Animations - LucifeR - 12.07.2007

rhanx woozie, this is really usefull.
ill put it in my server aswell :P

Re: [FS]All Animations - T-N-Z - 12.07.2007

thx cool script

Re: [FS]All Animations - Dainyzxz - 13.07.2007

woozie, good job