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How many generations are there? - Printable Version

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How many generations are there? - Calgon - 25.02.2018

Everyone and their nan's nan seems to be starting a brand new fresh roleplay community using the recently released Next Generation Roleplay script, but how many generations are there? How many do we need? Will the server to player ratio rapidly change leaving no players but thousands of servers? Does phpBB suffice for my generation community forums? Are they refunding? Can I have admin? Can I run the SAMP server on my godaddy web hosting please?

Help me uncover the facts on this special investigative piece.

Re: How many generations are there? - Zeth - 25.02.2018

We have no control over generations brother!

This is what's making sa-mp losing its quality. You wont see anyone spending their hard times on a script and then releasing some own shit, instead they tends to go over released/leaked stuff with UNIQUE REFUNDING FREE VIP etc tags.I think one of the reason of players leaving sa-mp is playing on a server and then they shut down saying we had this and that problem with databases rollback.There are new servers closing/opening every week, people out there using leaked scripts and claiming themselves as being a PRO scripter without giving credits to the original creators.

But at last, we have no control over all this.

Re: How many generations are there? - Calgon - 25.02.2018

Originally Posted by Debjit
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We have no control over generations brother!

This is what's making sa-mp losing its quality. You wont see anyone spending their hard times on a script and then releasing some own shit, instead they tends to go over released/leaked stuff with UNIQUE REFUNDING FREE VIP etc tags.I think one of the reason of players leaving sa-mp is playing on a server and then they shut down saying we had this and that problem with databases rollback.There are new servers closing/opening every week, people out there using leaked scripts and claiming themselves as being a PRO scripter without giving credits to the original creators.

But at last, we have no control over all this.
I reckon it definitely has an impact in the lighter roleplay community - maybe not much but, people join these servers with 20+ players on, and it's identical, all the admins have the exact same attitude and these new players can ask for "refunds" without having anything in the first place. Just kinda sad to see really.

Re: How many generations are there? - amirab - 25.02.2018

well , this is not another generation I guess , it's a REgeneration LMAO

Re: How many generations are there? - cuber - 25.02.2018

Great thread to waste our times, thanks Calgon.

Unlimited Generations!!!!!

Re: How many generations are there? - dugi - 25.02.2018

Re: How many generations are there? - AlexMSK - 25.02.2018

lemme open another one too, what should i name it? Last generation? or second generation? or 3rd generation?

Re: How many generations are there? - Uproar - 26.02.2018

NGG script, even the basic one suits best for low/med RP.
Only thing peeps do is
[Hiring helper, hiring faction leader, refunding VIP] and they get 5 players at the start. Server lasts for 1 week and shuts down. The new generation server development style brother! 1 week servers!

Re: How many generations are there? - cuber - 26.02.2018

Originally Posted by dugi
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Approving this.

Re: How many generations are there? - justann - 27.02.2018

There are no definite numbers of generations I guess.

Re: How many generations are there? - Kaperstone - 05.03.2018

We had enough of generations in freeroam, so we changed to evolutions

Re: How many generations are there? - Calgon - 06.03.2018

Originally Posted by Kaperstone
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We had enough of generations in freeroam, so we changed to evolutions
What's the next buzzword I wonder?

Re: How many generations are there? - CharlieSanchez - 08.07.2018

@ Calgon
"What's the next buzzword I wonder?"

I agree with you, there are far too many generic, copycat servers around with "unique" things to waste time, i have been a bit away for nearly half year now from the forums and the servers, however i notice that still pretty much you see the same Established Communites still there with good pb. numbers wich im really happy to see after all sa-mp has past its prime time, and for example there is a lack of new different concepts well made and and not copyed, but its far too easy now for someone to just get a crappy gm. online and bump the forums with adds, and there another empty server running, sadly i have lost some of my own enthusiams and more like me after all we cant do the same for ever or play the same forever, but the new kids around are not really putting the effort towards their server its not like some time back people really tryed to make something good and enjoable, take me for ex. ive been working for nearly 2 years on a hole different type of aproach gamemode and took a break now of nearly 6 motnhs, life stuff, but still, im thinking should i even bother to finish? spend another year or so to get it to how i want? spend a good chunk of dollar to rent hardware again,, look for staff so forth, sure i miss the fun but its harder these days to put something new around, but atleast the ones that do should take pride in their work not just another crap downloaded gm and little edit and " Server bla bla- Refunding"..

On the bright side i hope to finish my project this year perhaps near end of year and give it a last go on running a server, sure i miss the good ones i was part of in the past, developed for or even made from scatch good and bad ones!

I hope the new kids around the block now take a bit more pride on their work, work for a change o their ideas and take it serious and look for the exaples and mistakes allready done, anyways its nice to be back even if for a little and see the names i remember around on these forums from years and years back! sadly some of the wizzards are gone now but thats life..


Re: How many generations are there? - mike1995 - 19.07.2018

This is extremely valuable data a debt of gratitude is in order for sharing this I like that a ton and the new age comes in each period and convey some new plans to it. New Fashion for Mens Jacket

Re: How many generations are there? - Konverse - 19.07.2018

A lot. That's all I can say.

Re: How many generations are there? - xSaint - 23.07.2018

Garry's Mod is a perfect example, the gamemodes that are released publicly just flood the entire community, all servers are the same, nothing different, all struggling to get a stable PB. People need to spend more time on making something not entirely unique, but with features that can attract players, updates, a good effort into not just the script, but the entire community, making it friendly for new players.

I mean how many servers are there with [VIP] [Refunding] [Hiring Staff]...

Re: How many generations are there? - iLearner - 23.07.2018

The count is on, will let you know when it'll end.

Re: How many generations are there? - RxErT - 25.07.2018

Originally Posted by cuber
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Approving this.

fudj u, u ideas stealer

Re: How many generations are there? - J0sh... - 26.07.2018

^ cringe

Re: How many generations are there? - Dignity - 26.07.2018

^ cringe