For dennorske -
Jithu - 24.02.2018
Dennorske why you stopped server??
please can you please get that server again""??and you know me !!
Everyone loved your ls-cnr but why you stopped it?
Your server was awesome, but you didnt made updates..
You had made everything yet, robbery, XP, supa save, and house interiors Double XP event, and many other things which are not in other servers, can you please get the server again with that script?Also people had left your server because you didnt made updates for them>>!!
INFORMATION:I can't advertise because im just giving the server name of stopped server
Re: For dennorske -
HeLiOn_PrImE - 24.02.2018
It's not against the rules to start this topic, but it's not the right place either.
The chances of the guy actually responding to you are slim to none.
Re: For dennorske -
Jithu - 24.02.2018
i wanna ask him why he stopped server?
Re: For dennorske -
Fratello - 24.02.2018
Why don't you private message him instead?
Re: For dennorske -
Sting. - 24.02.2018
Macha, perhaps he didn't have the funds to support his on going server. There could be a lot of circumstances that can change you know. Perhaps as Fratello suggested, you should PM him instead. Making a public thread won't be the best idea.
Re: For dennorske -
Munchi - 24.02.2018
server owner probably not here bro. hope you get a chance to play there again.
Re: For dennorske -
denNorske - 24.02.2018
You can pm me.
Re: For dennorske -
cuber - 24.02.2018
Everyone is gonna get their post count up with this, then the SA-MP Team will remove the thread and everyone loses their shit(LOL).