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PUBG spawn - Hend - 17.02.2018

Hi. How can i put 4++ player the andromeda? OR how can I create pubg spawn? :/

Re: PUBG spawn - RogueDrifter - 17.02.2018

huh... SetPlayerPos? and look up the plane's interior id on weedar's

Re: PUBG spawn - Hend - 17.02.2018

Originally Posted by RogueDrifter
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huh... SetPlayerPos? and look up the plane's interior id on weedar's
Ohmhm, But I want to see the plane. ( It's like I'm driving it. )

Re: PUBG spawn - RogueDrifter - 17.02.2018

Originally Posted by Hend
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Ohmhm, But I want to see the plane. ( It's like I'm driving it. )
You mean the exterior??

Re: PUBG spawn - jasperschellekens - 17.02.2018

If you mean exterior, create a bot controlling the plane and put player in as passenger or Maybe in some kind of spec mode

Re: PUBG spawn - PepsiCola23 - 17.02.2018

Create a bot flying the plane,set the players camera to follow the plane route from behind,and when a players leaves the plane ,get the planes position and make the player parachute from that pos.

Re: PUBG spawn - OneDay - 17.02.2018

Look at the area 51 mode in the server.

Re: PUBG spawn - Mugala - 17.02.2018

you can make it with many ways, I'll give u some of them.

A) Spectating player to Andromeda.
1. first, you have to spectate player to vehicle Andromeda with PlayerSpectateVehicle -
2. you have to check a key OnPlayerKeyStateChange and if the key is ENTER_VEHICLE than you must get the coordinates of Andromeda and put the players in these coordinates, with GetVehiclePos(andromeda,X,Y,Z);
SetPlayerPos(playerid,X,Y,Z-2); and fix a camera with SetCameraBehindPlayer(playerid);
so player is teleported under an andromeda.

B) Spectating player to an Object (plane)
1. you have to attach a player's camera to airplane object with AttachCameraToObject(playerid, objectid);
2. you must do the same like the example A, but for this time, u must get a coordinate of Object instead of Vehicle with GetObjectPos(objectid,X,Y,Z);