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My current BattleRoyale GM - RogerCosta - 15.02.2018

Hi guys, I and friend stay making a battle royale gamemode based on PUBG (Playerunknow Battlegrounds), but own features and adjust game to GTA Engine.

For a while, items has dropped in random coordinates of San Andreas, except water and I making a system to not create in top of buildings, etc. (Object ammo, have texture and icon of weapon)

Avaliable: Weapons, ammos, medkits, bulletproof, helmet, backpacks and special drops.

Textdraw Inventory

Have two lists: "Dropped Items" and "Your Inventory", in Dropped Itens appears items dropped in the floor, and Your Inventory appears your holding items. For drop item, select this and click in "Drop Item", to use, select and click in "Use Item". For remove holding weapon, open inventory and click in textdraw weapon slot, and item come to backpack (Your Inventory list).

To take one item in floor, holding "Alt" around item.

Map, Gas Area and SafeZone (GangZone System in ESC menu) (Map holding key 'N')

Red circle is Gas Area, white circle is next safezone. Holding 'N' show this feature and: you position, special drops (dropped random from airplane), position players of your team (group), and black zone (explosion zone).

I making a system to create random vegetation around San Andreas, to increase strategy for players, hidding from enemys.

Start Round Airplane

Airplane come from random coordinates, and icon in map show direction correctly. Its possible to star from north, or south, possible to start in +3000y -3000x, or +3000y or -1000x.

Others prints

Also, the map icons in radar is only for me (debug: drops, backpacks, everywhere).

Credits: me ([Ds]NikO) and FlŠ±vio Glizt ([Ds]BrutalStrike)

I update this topic soon with more features.
Thanks, guys

Re: My current BattleRoyale GM - paulommu - 15.02.2018


Re: My current BattleRoyale GM - Astralis - 15.02.2018

Looks good!

Re: My current BattleRoyale GM - Ercha - 17.02.2018

So many PUBG projects? I just saw the other topic about PUBG gameplay etc. But this looks way cooler than others tbh.

Re: My current BattleRoyale GM - RogueDrifter - 17.02.2018

Originally Posted by Ercha
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So many PUBG projects? I just saw the other topic about PUBG gameplay etc. But this looks way cooler than others tbh.
Yes lol! i seen about 4 pubg projects so far! and even when ppl message me for a script they want a pubg one like jesus ,

On topic: good job roger it looks beautiful, the gun thing is pretty cool too that's unique man never seen that one before, well done.

Re: My current BattleRoyale GM - Awide - 17.02.2018

Looking good!

Re: My current BattleRoyale GM - PT - 17.02.2018


Re: My current BattleRoyale GM - RogerCosta - 17.02.2018

Thanks guys!

* In this moment, the gamemode have a 100% support for 2 languages: Portuguese and English. This system translate chat messages, formated messages, all textdraws. Other languages is easily to put in mode, but is this moment English support all players.

* The vegetation system is random (I use Map Andreas) seted in OnGameModeInit, for all rounds (4 virtual worlds). If restart server, script generate a new vegetation. Green Zones spawn green nature objects; Desert area spawn desert area objects, and etc...

* I making a textdraws to hide GTA HUD.

Re: My current BattleRoyale GM - RogerCosta - 25.02.2018

Weapon switch HUD:

Center weapon is current holding weapon. Left is the previous weapon (if press Q) and right weapon is next weapon (if press E).

White bar is a new health bar. The system likely PUBG style.

Re: My current BattleRoyale GM - Uproar - 25.02.2018

This is cool, although I've seen a lot of PUBG gamemodes. But could be great if you would release this in english

Re: My current BattleRoyale GM - N0FeaR - 25.02.2018

Looks awesome man!

Re: My current BattleRoyale GM - RogerCosta - 25.02.2018

Originally Posted by Uproar
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This is cool, although I've seen a lot of PUBG gamemodes. But could be great if you would release this in english
Thanks man! This gamemode contains total support for english and portuguese-br languages (others languages can be translate easily with my system). SendClientMessages, textdraws, all, all is translated in live time.

Yes, a lot of BattleRoyale gamemodes started, its a moment for this mode style :P

Re: My current BattleRoyale GM - RogerCosta - 28.02.2018

Testing crawl system:

This animation is appears in moment of player need help from squad (team). The health bar is changed to red colours and decrease gradually, if in this time squad not help player, he dies forever and send death animation to player.

In 07 seconds and final video, this animation appears if you release a sprint key.

EDIT: this video is outdated. This script is now more accurate