if (dialogid == DIALOG_NAME) { if (response == 0) { IMCP [playerid] = 0; *TogglePlayerControllable (playerid, 1); *return 1; } if (response == 1) { if (! strlen (input text)) { IMCP [playerid] = 0; *TogglePlayerControllable (playerid, 1); *return 1; } else { ***new formats [128]; format (format, sizeof (formats), "/ player /% s.txt", input text); new pid = strval (inputtext); SetPVarInt (playerid, "PName" playerid); if (dini_Exists (formats)) { splayer [pid] [JAbfrage] = dini_Int (formats, "JAbfrage"); if (splayer [pid] [JAbfrage] == 0) **{ **SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "*** Control settings are disabled on this account! Would you like to try to activate it with the registration number?"); **SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "Created at the time of creation of this player account! Would you like to try to get a protection of minors?"); **ShowPlayerDialog (playerid, DIALOG_ERZWINGEN, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Safety", "Would you like to protect the protection of this player account?", "Yes", "Back"); } } else { **SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "ERROR: This account could not be found! Please also pay attention to case!"); ShowPlayerDialog (playerid, DIALOG_NAME, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Name", "Now enter the exact account name (example: Alexander_Baum, Player332)", "{6495ed} Continue", ""); return 0; } } } } |
if (dialogid == DIALOG_ERZWINGEN2) { if (response == 0) { IMCP [playerid] = 0; *TogglePlayerControllable (playerid, 1); *return 1; } if (response == 1) { if (! strlen (input text)) { IMCP [playerid] = 0; *TogglePlayerControllable (playerid, 1); *Send Message Client (playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "Canceled!"); *return 1; } } new formats [128]; new pID = GetPVarInt (playerid, "PName"); new thename = GetPVarInt (playerid, "PName"); format (format, sizeof (formats), "/ player /% s.txt" PID); if (! strcmp (, inputText dini_Get (formats, "sCode"), true)) { new strings [128]; SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "The code was correct! You will now be redirected to the control panel! ...."); new TargetID [MAX_PLAYERS]; ***********if (IsPlayerConnected (pID)) { dini_Set (formats, "Status", "Online"); } else { dini_Set (formats, "Status", "Offline"); } ************format (strings, sizeof (strings), "Name: {b22222}% s {fffafa} \ nStatus:% s", thename, dini_Get (formats, "Status")); ShowPlayerDialog (playerid, 35, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Info", strings, "Next", "Close"); new string [128]; ********** } else { SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, "ERROR: The specified registry number was wrong! (Show password hint here)"); ShowPlayerDialog (playerid, DIALOG_ERZWINGEN2, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Registration Number", "Please enter the registration number now:", "{6495ed} Continue", ""); return 0; } return 1; } |
new formats [128];
format(formats, sizeof(formats), "/player/%s.txt", inputtext);
format (strings, sizeof (strings), "Name: {b22222}%s {fffafa} \ nStatus:%s", thename, dini_Get (formats, "Status"));
format(format, sizeof(formats), "/player/%s.txt", inputtext);
PHP код:
PHP код:
and what about input text? does that even compile? Also the first error: Код:
format(format, sizeof(formats), "/player/%s.txt", inputtext); |
format (strings, sizeof (strings), "Name: {b22222}%s {fffafa} \ nStatus:%s", thename, dini_Get (formats, "Status")); |