OnPlayerDeath doesn't recognise if a player was in a vehicle? - Printable Version
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OnPlayerDeath doesn't recognise if a player was in a vehicle? -
ranme15 - 09.02.2018
I am trying this:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
SendDeathMessage(killerid, playerid, reason);
SendClientMessageToAll(-1, "ION just died.");
if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) SendClientMessageToAll(-1, "ION was in a vehicle.");
return 1;
The second message doesn't get displayed. And I am in a vehicle.
Is the OnPlayerDeath not recognising whether a player was in a vehicle or not option possible?
Re: OnPlayerDeath doesn't recognise if a player was in a vehicle? -
RogueDrifter - 09.02.2018
Well i guess OnPlayerDeath is callef after the players death since once you die you exit the vehicle, what you can do is set a variable true at onplayerdeath that resets at onplayerspawn lets name it playerdied[playerid] then go to onplayerstatechange and use if (oldstate == 2 || oldstate == 3) && playerdied[playerid] ...//code
Something within the lines of that ^
Re: OnPlayerDeath doesn't recognise if a player was in a vehicle? -
Mugala - 09.02.2018
when player dies he's automatically removed from vehicle before this callback.
Re: OnPlayerDeath doesn't recognise if a player was in a vehicle? -
Sew_Sumi - 09.02.2018
^^ This... Track the players last vehicle in an array (LastUsedCar[MAX_PLAYERS]), and use OnPlayerEnterVehicle, OnPlayerExitVehicle to see which car needs to be updated to it.
Re: OnPlayerDeath doesn't recognise if a player was in a vehicle? -
ranme15 - 09.02.2018
Yeah well, I've used OnPlayerStateChange as a workaround.
Thank you guys anyway.
Re: OnPlayerDeath doesn't recognise if a player was in a vehicle? -
Sew_Sumi - 09.02.2018
That's an interesting thing too, StateChange will occur.