Couple of errors -
enzulikeS - 31.01.2018
1. D:\server\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn(69) : error 021: symbol already defined: "DisableInteriorEnterExits"
2. D:\server\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn(73) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
3. D:\server\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn(99) : error 021: symbol already defined: "SetPlayerMapIcon"
4.D:\server\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn(101) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
5.D:\server\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn(104) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
6.D:\server\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn(276) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
7.D:\server\gamemodes\Untitled.pwn(519) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "OnRconLoginAttempt"
Line 69: DisableInteriorEnterExits();
CreatePickup(1239, 1, 2131.7898, -1151.1216, 23.9069, -1);
Create3DTextLabel("{FFFFFF}Rent Car Los Santos{FFFFFF}\nType {FFCC00}[/rentveh]{FFFFFF} to rent a car. ", -1, 2131.7898, -1151.1216, 23.9069, 5.0, 0);
Line 73: return 1;
CreatePickup(1239, 1, 2131.7898, -1151.1216, 23.9069, -1);
Create3DTextLabel("{FFFFFF}Rent Car Los Santos{FFFFFF}\nType {FFCC00}[/rentveh]{FFFFFF} to rent a car. ", -1, 2131.7898, -1151.1216, 23.9069, 5.0, 0);
return 1;
Line 99: SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 05, 2131.7898, -1151.1216, 23.9069, 55, 0);
Line 101: inRent[playerid] = 0; //1 - daca o sa aiba o masina inchiriata
Line 104: return 1;
SetPlayerMapIcon(playerid, 05, 2131.7898, -1151.1216, 23.9069, 55, 0);
inRent[playerid] = 0; //1 - daca o sa aiba o masina inchiriata
masinaInchiriata[playerid] = 0; //aici o sa se puna modelul.
return 1;
Line 276: public OnRconLoginAttempt(ip[], password[], success)
Line 519: does not even exist
Re: Couple of errors -
Sew_Sumi - 31.01.2018
519 doesn't exist because it's saying that through those 519 lines, the function you've defined earlier hasn't been used.
This is a warning, and won't stop the compile.
For the rest, chances are you've messed up a brace (
{ } ) somewhere in your script. You need to check what you've changed and probably roll back to a time that it was indeed compiling and compare them both. It's likely to be above line 69 somewhere.