sscanf(data, "p<|>fiiiifffs[24]", pInfo[playerid][hp], pInfo[playerid][years],pInfo[playerid][rasa], pInfo[playerid][sex], pInfo[playerid][skin], pInfo[playerid][x], pInfo[playerid][y], pInfo[playerid][z], pInfo[playerid][Nick]);
format(query, 500, "SELECT HP, years, rasa, sex, skin, X, Y, Z, Nick FROM postacie WHERE Global = '%s'", NazwaGracza(playerid)); mysql_query(query); mysql_store_result(); while(mysql_fetch_row(data, "|")) { sscanf(data, "p<|>fiiiifffs[24]", pInfo[playerid][hp], pInfo[playerid][years],pInfo[playerid][rasa], pInfo[playerid][sex], pInfo[playerid][skin], pInfo[playerid][x], pInfo[playerid][y], pInfo[playerid][z], pInfo[playerid][Nick]); TogglePlayerSpectating(playerid, 0); SetPlayerName(playerid, pInfo[playerid][Nick]); SetPlayerPos(playerid, pInfo[playerid][x], pInfo[playerid][y], pInfo[playerid][z]); SetPlayerSkin(playerid, pInfo[playerid][skin]); pInfo[playerid][zalogowany] = true; format(string, 128, "{FF0000}>> {00FFFF}Witaj na serwerze {33cc33}%s(GLOBAL:%s, ID:%i, UID:%i)!", pInfo[playerid][Nick], uInfo[playerid][Nick], playerid, pInfo[playerid][ID]); SCM(playerid, -1, string); } mysql_free_result();
The idea with a threaded query is that while the query is busy the sa-mp server can continue on and execute other things (sync!). When the query is done, the MySQL servers calls the function you specify and you can go on loading your data.
With an unthreaded query, the sa-mp server has to wait for the response from the MySQL server before it can continue. This is especially troublesome if the query takes more than a few milliseconds to execute. During this "timeout" nothing happens. No syncing, nothing. |