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GTA Map - Doktor - 07.02.2009

im not quite sure if this is the right topic, but if not just move it to the right section.
Im wondering how to create a map of San Andreas (for a UCP), in which your coordinates you enter will be shown. For example if you want to show the coordinates of a house in this map. I saw this on several servers, for example in the UCP of LS-RP.
Is there any example of a map which i can include into my exiting ucp or how to create such a map yourself? How to show some coordiates on a exiting map?

Re: GTA Map - SilentMouse - 07.02.2009

Do you mean something like this?

Re: GTA Map - Doktor - 07.02.2009

nearly. I dont want to show players on it (i dont need a live radar). I need it for a UCP (like LS-RP) to change your spawn. So no need to reload the map every second. I just need a map on which you can create div layers in some coordinates. Or i nned to know how to create one, if there isnt a existing one to download

Re: GTA Map - ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 07.02.2009

Its would be hard for people to select to spawn wherever they want, You would also have to create a height map to determine the height of where they need to spawn

Re: GTA Map - Doktor - 07.02.2009

I dont want the playes to choose where to spawn. Ill give them some possibibilties where they could (dots on the map) and they can click on thos dots (for example airport, their house ...)

Re: GTA Map - ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 07.02.2009

Originally Posted by Doktor
I dont want the playes to choose where to spawn. Ill give them some possibibilties where they could (dots on the map) and they can click on thos dots (for example airport, their house ...)
Then get a map of San Andreas from Ian then edit in in a Photo Editing program and add a dot and a little piece of text at every point

Re: GTA Map - Doktor - 07.02.2009

The house coordinates of a house are saved in a mysql database. I need to show those coordinates, so the coordinates are dyncamic, not static.

Re: GTA Map - ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 07.02.2009

Take a look at this, It might take a white to work out the co ords and how to plot them but it could work

Re: GTA Map - Doktor - 07.02.2009

I know those php commands, but i need to know how to work the coords and plot them.

Re: GTA Map - ICECOLDKILLAK8 - 07.02.2009

Originally Posted by Doktor
I know those php commands, but i need to know how to work the coords and plot them.
Work it out yourself, It might take a while but it will work, You just gotta find a way to Cross Reference the SA:MP Co Ords with the Picture

Re: GTA Map - Doktor - 07.02.2009

You just gotta find a way to Cross Reference the SA:MP Co Ords with the Picture
I already tried to find a way, but i failed, so i asked you to help me find a way...

Re: GTA Map - DracoBlue - 07.02.2009

You may even use dmap for that (demo at ). Just make the dmap_feed.djson static, without updating and you'll have a static map with clickable items and so on. If you need help with that, feel free to ask in the dmap topic!

- Draco