Hi, I am trying to make a dialog based top statistics system for the players who are online. This is my code for the commands:
PHP код:
new string[300], Slot1 = -1, Slot2 = -1, Slot3 = -1, Slot4 = -1, Slot5 = -1;
new HighestCash = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(GetPlayerMoney(x) >= HighestCash)
HighestCash = GetPlayerMoney(x);
Slot1 = x;
HighestCash = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && x != Slot1)
if(GetPlayerMoney(x) >= HighestCash)
HighestCash = GetPlayerMoney(x);
Slot2 = x;
HighestCash = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && x != Slot1 && x != Slot2)
if(GetPlayerMoney(x) >= HighestCash)
HighestCash = GetPlayerMoney(x);
Slot3 = x;
HighestCash = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && x != Slot1 && x != Slot2 && x != Slot3)
if(GetPlayerMoney(x) >= HighestCash)
HighestCash = GetPlayerMoney(x);
Slot4 = x;
HighestCash = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && x != Slot1 && x != Slot2 && x != Slot3 && x != Slot4)
if(GetPlayerMoney(x) >= HighestCash)
HighestCash = GetPlayerMoney(x);
Slot5 = x;
format(string, sizeof(string), "Rank\tName\tMoney\n{00FF00}1\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}$%d\n", GetName(Slot1),GetPlayerMoney(Slot1));
if(Slot2 != -1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{00FF00}2\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}$%d\n", string, GetName(Slot2),GetPlayerMoney(Slot2));
if(Slot3 != -1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{00FF00}3\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}$%d\n", string, GetName(Slot3),GetPlayerMoney(Slot3));
if(Slot4 != -1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{00FF00}4\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}$%d\n", string, GetName(Slot4),GetPlayerMoney(Slot4));
if(Slot5 != -1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{00FF00}5\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}$%d\n", string, GetName(Slot5),GetPlayerMoney(Slot5));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 10001, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Top Richest Players", string, "Close", "");
return 1;
new string[300], Slot1 = -1, Slot2 = -1, Slot3 = -1, Slot4 = -1, Slot5 = -1;
new HighestScore = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(GetPlayerScore(x) >= HighestScore)
HighestScore = GetPlayerScore(x);
Slot1 = x;
HighestScore = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && x != Slot1)
if(GetPlayerScore(x) >= HighestScore)
HighestScore = GetPlayerScore(x);
Slot2 = x;
HighestScore = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && x != Slot1 && x != Slot2)
if(GetPlayerScore(x) >= HighestScore)
HighestScore = GetPlayerScore(x);
Slot3 = x;
HighestScore = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && x != Slot1 && x != Slot2 && x != Slot3)
if(GetPlayerScore(x) >= HighestScore)
HighestScore = GetPlayerScore(x);
Slot4 = x;
HighestScore = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && x != Slot1 && x != Slot2 && x != Slot3 && x != Slot4)
if(GetPlayerScore(x) >= HighestScore)
HighestScore = GetPlayerScore(x);
Slot5 = x;
format(string, sizeof(string), "Rank\tName\tScore\n{00FF00}1\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}%d\n", GetName(Slot1),GetPlayerScore(Slot1));
if(Slot2 != -1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{00FF00}2\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}%d\n", string, GetName(Slot2),GetPlayerScore(Slot2));
if(Slot3 != -1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{00FF00}3\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}%d\n", string, GetName(Slot3),GetPlayerScore(Slot3));
if(Slot4 != -1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{00FF00}4\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}%d\n", string, GetName(Slot4),GetPlayerScore(Slot4));
if(Slot5 != -1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{00FF00}5\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}%d\n", string, GetName(Slot5),GetPlayerScore(Slot5));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 10001, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Top Skilled Players", string, "Close", "");
return 1;
new string[300], Slot1 = -1, Slot2 = -1, Slot3 = -1, Slot4 = -1, Slot5 = -1;
new HighestKill = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(PInfo[x][Kills] >= HighestKill)
HighestKill = PInfo[x][Kills];
Slot1 = x;
HighestKill = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && x != Slot1)
if(PInfo[x][Kills] >= HighestKill)
HighestKill = PInfo[x][Kills];
Slot2 = x;
HighestKill = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && x != Slot1 && x != Slot2)
if(PInfo[x][Kills] >= HighestKill)
HighestKill = PInfo[x][Kills];
Slot3 = x;
HighestKill = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && x != Slot1 && x != Slot2 && x != Slot3)
if(PInfo[x][Kills] >= HighestKill)
HighestKill = PInfo[x][Kills];
Slot4 = x;
HighestKill = -9999;
for(new x=0; x<MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && x != Slot1 && x != Slot2 && x != Slot3 && x != Slot4)
if(PInfo[x][Kills] >= HighestKill)
HighestKill = PInfo[x][Kills];
Slot5 = x;
format(string, sizeof(string), "Rank\tName\tKills\n{00FF00}1\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}%d\n", GetName(Slot1),HighestKill(Slot1));
if(Slot2 != -1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{00FF00}2\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}%d\n", string, GetName(Slot2),HighestKill(Slot2));
if(Slot3 != -1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{00FF00}3\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}%d\n", string, GetName(Slot3),HighestKill(Slot3));
if(Slot4 != -1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{00FF00}4\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}%d\n", string, GetName(Slot4),HighestKill(Slot4));
if(Slot5 != -1)
format(string, sizeof(string), "%s{00FF00}5\t{ffffff}%s\t{008000}%d\n", string, GetName(Slot5),HighestKill(Slot5));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 10001, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Top Serial Killers", string, "Close", "");
return 1;
The top system is based on top 5 statistics ingame thus whenever there are 5 players or more connected and someone uses the /top command, it crashes the server. I dont understand what's wrong. Any help appreciated.
Try to set timer before you Show the player your dialog to let the server check the players, if it doesn't works, Post your server_log.
Please post your server log. Use crash detect or something.