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MySQL Loading - Printable Version

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MySQL Loading HELP AGAIN!!! - Kraeror - 06.01.2018

Hello guys, I'm using the latest MySQL version, but when I load it, it works only for the callback, that I'm loading in it! Is it possible somethink like when I load at the start script it will be loaded for all commands, callbacks?
It is loading, I'm using it in the same callback, where it is loaded, but when I'm using it in command it is always "0".
The code (OnGameModeInit callback):
PHP код:
for(new 1cache_num_rows(); h++)
mysql_format(zMySQLquerysizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM `houses` WHERE `ID` = %d"h);
And there is my loading callback:
PHP код:
forward LoadHouses(houseid);
numRows != 0)

This result is printed CORRECT, but when I'm using this variable or another callback in command it prints "0"!

Re: MySQL Loading - Kane - 06.01.2018

Where is cache_num_rows coming from in OnGameModeInit()?

An example of a proper loading:

PHP код:
public OnGameModeInit(){
mysql_tquery(DB"SELECT * FROM `houses` ORDER BY `dbid` ASC""Thread_LoadHouses"); 
Thread_LoadHouses(); public Thread_LoadHouses()
    if (!
cache_num_rows()) {
    for (new 
10cache_num_rows(); i++, j++) {

Re: MySQL Loading - Kraeror - 06.01.2018

What means `dbid` and ASC ?
Can you describe it for me please ?

Re: MySQL Loading - Kraeror - 06.01.2018

EDITED: FIXED!!!!!!!! dbid was `ID` in my database, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! +1 REEEEPPPPP

Re: MySQL Loading - Kane - 06.01.2018

ASC is ascending.

Re: MySQL Loading - Kraeror - 06.01.2018

Thank you for the information!! THANK YOU FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: MySQL Loading - Kraeror - 07.01.2018

I have one more problem! I can't find the number of rows, because I want to create one more row (a house)! Firstly when I start the server I can create one house and it is saving perfect, but when I try to create one more I have to restart the server again, because when I'm trying to create second house, it is not saving! The problem is because the rows are counted only one time (but in the script I'm counting them always when I want to create the ouse)
Here is my creating house command: (I'm testing the number, when I have created one house it works correct, but when I'm trying to create another one it doesn't counts) Please help me guys!)
PHP код:
mysql_tquery(zMySQL"SELECT * FROM `houses` ORDER BY `ID` ASC");

Re: MySQL Loading - Kraeror - 07.01.2018

Anybody help ?