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how to use kdff, command line, with space and hyphen( - )? - Printable Version

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how to use kdff, command line, with space and hyphen( - )? - SKY0902 - 04.01.2018

how to use command line, with space and hyphen( - )?

space: kdff -a -d dff dff\name.dff -c col\name.col -o output\name.dff
hyphen: kdff -a -d dff\na-me.dff -c col\name.col -o output\name.dff

space: [error] Could not load the dff file: dff
hyphen: [error] Could not load the dff file: dff\na

please help me. this is very important to me.

and sorry for bad english.

Re: how to use kdff, command line, with space and hyphen( - )? - Graber - 05.01.2018

Try using quotes ("dff\na-me.dff"), should work

Re: how to use kdff, command line, with space and hyphen( - )? - SKY0902 - 05.01.2018

I trying, no working.
[error] Could not load the dff file: "dff\na

Re: how to use kdff, command line, with space and hyphen( - )? - DRIFT_HUNTER - 05.01.2018

Seems like a bug in kdff, @Kalcor should check these.