Question about weapon anticheat - Printable Version
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Question about weapon anticheat -
pollo97 - 04.01.2018
Hi everyone,
I created a weapon anticheat that every 1.5 second check the player weapons with the server side data.
If I have a lot of people connected, it can cause lag? And, which type of dedicated server can I buy to stay safe?
I can show the code if needed.
Re: Question about weapon anticheat -
Logic_ - 05.01.2018
Not really need to show your code here.
It can cause lag if you use unoptimized looping techniques or variables.
You don't need a dedicated server to protect your script from lag or crashes. These issues of lag and crashes are from script and are obviously as mentioned, script-sided. You can only fix them by optimizing and organizing how your script works. Such as using OnPlayerUpdate for almost everything is worse, unless it's an AFK system.
Call your anti cheat timer every 2 to 3 seconds, it should be good. I also make use of 3 seconds timer which quite a lot helps in reducing possible lags.