[C++] SFSE • Stunt/MiniGames/Race/DM/Derby/Fun - Printable Version
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[C++] SFSE • Stunt/MiniGames/Race/DM/Derby/Fun -
cawfee - 04.01.2018
On the hunt for an all-action SA:MP server with a wide array of features and lots of players to have fun with? San Fiero Stunt Evolution (or, SFSE) might just be the server you've been looking for! Launched in
2010, this is a server you know isn't going to disappear over night - a server you can build up friends, statistics and fun with, without fear of it disappearing! We're also listed on the SA:MP Hosted Tab, making us a cut above the others with plenty of people to play with!
There's more good news, too. Our gamemode is written in C++ rather than PAWN, giving us a boost in performance and scalability of features.
Sounds good, right? Here's a few more reasons to check us out...- Freeroam, and lots of it!
- Variety of Minigames! They include:
* Fallout
* Derby
* Maze
* Shooter
- Races
* Participate in races with many thrilling maps!
* Beat others' lap times and grab your spot on our leader board
* Build your own race which can be approved for use by everyone!
- Businesses
* Become an entrepreneur and operate businesses!
- All the deathmatch you could ever want!
* Special Minigun, Battlefield, Deathmatch Island & Gungame areas, to name a few...
* Simultaneous weapon duels - no more waiting for other players to finish a duel!
* Ability to change your Fight Style
* A collection of pre-defined and personalized Weapon Sets
- Tonnes of vehicle commands
* Spawn any vehicle of your choice
* Change its Color, attach NOS, Hydraulics, Trailers & much more!
* Enable & disable Auto Fix (God)
* And lots of other weird and wonderful things you wouldn't believe existed...
- Many achievements to unlock (race wins, duel wins, etc)
- Shortcuts galore!
* Flip your vehicle (NUMPAD 4 or NUMPAD 2)
* Customizable Speed Boost (CTRL)
* Return to your previous vehicle (MMB)
* Bounce (H)
* Spawn a ramp (ALT)
- Plenty of fun and quirky features
* Fly as if you were Superman! (/superman)
* Personalize your character with Glasses (/glasses)
* Break out a number of attachments, in positions of your choice (/toys)
* An abundance of GTA:SA animations (/anims)
- Buy & Sell Houses
* Customize your house with a title, vehicle and furniture!
- Be the boss of your own Gang!
* Create / edit / delete
* Ability to invite other players
* Set their rank, each with its own set of permissions and title
* Start Gang Wars
* Operate Gang-owned businesses
- A friendly staff team
* Our team strives to provide an enjoyable gaming experience
* Your feedback matters!
- ...and much more!
Enough talking - come and join us!
Server IP: play.SF-SE.net:7777 or
Website: https://sf-se.net/
Forum: https://sf-se.net/forum/