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[Bug] virtual worlds are broken - Printable Version

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[Bug] virtual worlds are broken - derpierre65 - 28.12.2017

in 0.3.7: https://*********/SCAwpdWGFbc
in 0.3.8 RC4-4 (server rc4-1): https://*********/XZlwZMyDpOk

same problem with players, players can see me (after changed virtualworld to 1 and back to 0), but i can see nobody...
looks at the pickup (streamer plugin), after changing the virtual world it reappears, but not vehicles or players

ps: sorry for my very bad english

Re: [Bug] virtual worlds are broken - RIDE2DAY - 28.12.2017

I can confirm this also, I've reported it some weeks ago actually. Seems it pops out under different circumstances but the issue is the same.