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DCC - Discord Command Controller. - Inn0cent - 24.12.2017

DCC - Discord Command Controller

Hi, As stated above this include is basically discord command controller. Where you can make commands easily just by using DC_CMD:.. like CMD:.., It uses DCC_OnChannelMessage callback to fetch commands. If you do not know about the discord plugin please learn about it first. Click Here and then come back here..

How to?


PHP Code:
forward OnDCCommandPerformed(args[], success);        
forward SendDC(channel[], const fmat[], va_args<>); 
I have added a SendDC callback which sends the message to channel directly without doing the format stuff. It uses y_va so you need it.
PHP Code:
SendDC(CHANNEL_ID"%s has joined the server."name); 
CHANNEL_ID is your Bot channel id which you can change later in script.

The callback
OnDCCommandPerformed(args[], success)
is called after the command execution if success == 0 means the command is not executed or doesn't exists. For Example,
PHP Code:
public OnDCCommandPerformed(args[], success)
success) return SendDC(CHANNEL_ID"```js\nInvalid command..!\n```");

Setting Up
Add That on the top of your script,
PHP Code:
#define CMD_PREFIX "!"
#define BOT_CHANNEL ""
#define BOT_NAME ""
#define CHANNEL_ID "" 
and change it to the way you want. CMD_PREFIX tells which prefix to use like @test or !test and after that include the DCC include.
#include <dcc>
Adding Commands
PHP Code:
sscanf(args"s[50]"msg)) return SendDC(CHANNEL_ID""CMD_PREFIX"m [Msg]");
SendDC(CHANNEL_ID"%s: %s"usermsg);

Please report any bug you found or tell me anything u want in this include. I will really Appreciate it.
I have also added the test.pwn to make it more easy for you guys in the rar.

Discord Connector Plugin -
sscanf2 plugin.

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - Barnwell - 24.12.2017


Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - StrikerZ - 25.12.2017


Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - SeanDenZYR - 18.01.2018

a substitute to IRC. Nice. Plus Discord is easier to use. +rep.

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - SeanDenZYR - 18.01.2018

[mention]Inn0cent[/mention], is there a way to check if a player uses this role? like for example:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][DISCORD ROLE])

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - Inn0cent - 18.01.2018

Originally Posted by SeanDenZYR
View Post
[mention]Inn0cent[/mention], is there a way to check if a player uses this role? like for example:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][DISCORD ROLE])
No, I haven't added the role thing in this include yet, but i will do so. Btw you can read about roles on Main Plugin Thread.

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - DeitY - 19.01.2018

Awesome script, too sad not so many communities use discord, neither me myself ;/

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - Unkovic - 29.01.2018

Good job

Originally Posted by DeitY
View Post
Awesome script, too sad not so many communities use discord, neither me myself ;/
Jeste jeste xD

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - waysemir - 22.02.2018

C:\test\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "BOT_NAME"
C:\test\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "BOT_CHANNEL"
C:\test\pawno\include\ : error 017: undefined symbol "CMD_PREFIX"

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - N0FeaR - 22.02.2018

Awesome work i will test this.

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - RogueDrifter - 23.02.2018

Brilliant, who the fuck keeps rating every thread 1 star lmfao!
Good job tho.

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - Chaprnks - 24.02.2018

I'm a bit confused.. is this for players from discord typing /command, or just a command parser from ingame that outputs to discord?

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - Exhibit - 11.04.2018

Originally Posted by Chaprnks
Посмотреть сообщение
I'm a bit confused.. is this for players from discord typing /command, or just a command parser from ingame that outputs to discord?
I'm also a bit confused. Little help?

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - DeitY - 11.04.2018

Beauty. Gonna implement asap!

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - Exhibit - 11.04.2018

Originally Posted by Infin1ty
Посмотреть сообщение
#define CMD_PREFIX "!" 
#define BOT_CHANNEL "" 
#define BOT_NAME "" 
#define CHANNEL_ID ""
Put these before include <dcc>

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - ZigGamerx - 17.08.2018

winrar is damaged please fix it

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - AzaMx - 18.08.2018

Originally Posted by Chaprnks
Посмотреть сообщение
I'm a bit confused.. is this for players from discord typing /command, or just a command parser from ingame that outputs to discord?
^ me too

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - CaptainBoi - 18.08.2018

when i type the commands in server or in discord channel it not gives me the syntax and also the cmds not works

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - MafiaOink - 18.08.2018

Originally Posted by CaptainBoi
Посмотреть сообщение
when i type the commands in server or in discord channel it not gives me the syntax and also the cmds not works
I modified it a bit, it works fine for me:

Added SendDCByName
and fixed a crash where if you type % in the discord chat and output it into server, it would crash while processing.
Also added multi channel support, you can sendcbyname and check the channel name on channel cmd performed, added a channel parameter in DCCMD: and blah

#include <sscanf2>
#include <YSI\y_va>
#include <discord-connector>

new DCC_Channel:BotChannel;

#define DC_CMD:%0(%1,%2,%3)          \
			forward dc_cmd_%0(%1[],%2[],%3[]); \
			public dc_cmd_%0(%1[],%2[],%3[])

forward OnDCCommandPerformed(args[], success, channel[]);		
forward SendDC(channel[], const fmat[], va_args<>);
forward SendDCByName(channel[], const fmat[], va_args<>);


public SendDC(channel[], const fmat[], va_args<>)
    va_format(str, sizeof (str), fmat, va_start<2>);
	BotChannel = DCC_FindChannelById(channel);
    return DCC_SendChannelMessage(BotChannel, str);
public SendDCByName(channel[], const fmat[], va_args<>)
    va_format(str, sizeof (str), fmat, va_start<2>);
	BotChannel = DCC_FindChannelByName(channel);
    return DCC_SendChannelMessage(BotChannel, str);
public DCC_OnChannelMessage(DCC_Channel:channel, DCC_User:author, const message[])
	new channel_name[100 + 1];
	if(!DCC_GetChannelName(channel, channel_name))
		return 0; // invalid channel

	new user_name[32 + 1];
	if (!DCC_GetUserName(author, user_name))
		return 0; // invalid user
	new msgFx[1024];
	format(msgFx, 1024, message);
	for(new s; s < strlen(msgFx); s++)
		if (msgFx[s] == '%')
			msgFx[s] = ' ';
	if(!strcmp(user_name, BOT_NAME, true)) return 1;
	if(strlen(user_name) > 0) // If user is bot then quit the callback.
		new dmsg[10][128];
		explode(dmsg, msgFx, " ", 2); // Used so we can see if the arguments next to command are empty or have value.
		new command[10], args[50];
		sscanf(msgFx, "s[10]s[50]", command, args); // Sperate message in COMMAND and arguments.
		if(strfind(command, CMD_PREFIX, true) != -1) // Check if command have prefix defined above.
			new funcdc[128];
			strdel(command, 0, 1);
			format(funcdc, sizeof(funcdc), "dc_cmd_%s", command); // Format function.
			if(isnull(dmsg[1])) {
				CallLocalFunction("OnDCCommandPerformed", "sis", msgFx, CallLocalFunction(funcdc, "sss", user_name, "\1", channel_name), channel_name);
			} else CallLocalFunction("OnDCCommandPerformed", "sis", msgFx, CallLocalFunction(funcdc, "sss", user_name, args, channel_name), channel_name);
	return 1;
stock explode(aExplode[][], const sSource[], const sDelimiter[] = " ", iVertices = sizeof aExplode, iLength = sizeof aExplode[])
		iPrevious = -1,
		iDelimiter = strlen(sDelimiter);

	while(iNode < iVertices)
		iPointer = strfind(sSource, sDelimiter, false, iPointer);

		if(iPointer == -1)
			strmid(aExplode[iNode], sSource, iPrevious, strlen(sSource), iLength);
			strmid(aExplode[iNode], sSource, iPrevious, iPointer, iLength);

		iPrevious = (iPointer += iDelimiter);

	return iPrevious;
Can be used with multiple channels and blah blah.
DC_CMD:ban(author, params, channel)
	if(strcmp(channel, "staff-bot")) return SendDCByName(CHANNEL_ALL_NAME, "```css\nERROR: You are not allowed to use this command!```");
	new target, reason[128], hours;
	if(sscanf(params, "uds[127]", target, hours, reason)) return SendDCByName(CHANNEL_STAFF_NAME, "```css\nUSAGE: ban [playerid] [hours] [reason]```");
	if(hours < 1 || hours > 8760) return SendDCByName(CHANNEL_STAFF_NAME, "```css\nBan time cannot be less than 1 or more than 8760 hours!```");
	if(!IsPlayerConnected(target)) return SendDCByName(CHANNEL_STAFF_NAME, "```css\nERROR: Target is not connected```");
	BanPlayer(sprintf("[DISCORD ADMIN] %s", author), target, reason, false, hours, false);
	if(PlayerInfo[target][LoggedIn] == true) AddToAdminRecord(target, sprintf("Banned by %s [DISCORD] for %s.", author, reason));
    SendDCByName(CHANNEL_STAFF_NAME, "```css\nTarget banned```");
	return 1;
#if defined DISCORD_PLUGIN
#include <discord-connector>
#define BOT_NAME "botnamehere" // Btw this is used so the bot skips its own messages so if the bot would send !kick it would detect the command but skips it because its the bot itself.
#define CHANNEL_STAFF_NAME "staff-bot"
#define CHANNEL_ALL_NAME "ingame-bot"
#define CMD_PREFIX "!"
#include <dcc>
Added SendDCByName (ids are quite a pain to work with if you recreate channels to clear all logs like me)

public OnDCCommandPerformed(args[], success, channel[])
    SendDCByName(channel, "```css\nYou sent the command '%s'```", args);
    return 1;

Re: DCC - Discord Command Controller. - Leaky - 08.11.2018

I know this is a kinda old thread but this is important, I want to know if you had added a staff/role check as yet because this would be handed for me right now.