Want to ask - Printable Version
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Want to ask -
Foxer123456 - 20.12.2017
Hey guys i want to ask you is it possible to make this system with letters example i want to give some money to player and writing like this /givemoney [playername] [how much M/K]. What is M or K. Its like if i want to give 10,000,000Ђ and by shortening write text i write 10M and system give 10,000,000 or i write 100K, it give me 100,000Ђ. So is it possible ?
Re: Want to ask -
Ritzy2K - 20.12.2017
Uh, yeah. Everything is possible.
But I can't stress enough on the fact that how useless that is.
Re: Want to ask -
OneDay - 20.12.2017
PHP код:
StringToNumber(const string[]) {
new i = 0;
new neg = 1;
while (0 < string[i] <= ' ') i++;
if (string[i] == '+') i++;
else if (string[i] == '-') neg = -1, i++;
if (!('0' <= string[i] <= '9')) return 0;
new upper = 0;
new lower = 0;
for ( ; ; i++) {
switch (string[i]) {
case '0': lower = lower * 10;
case '1': lower = lower * 10 + 1;
case '2': lower = lower * 10 + 2;
case '3': lower = lower * 10 + 3;
case '4': lower = lower * 10 + 4;
case '5': lower = lower * 10 + 5;
case '6': lower = lower * 10 + 6;
case '7': lower = lower * 10 + 7;
case '8': lower = lower * 10 + 8;
case '9': lower = lower * 10 + 9;
case '.', ',': {}
case 'k', 'K': upper = (upper + lower) * 1000, lower = 0;
case 'm', 'M': upper = (upper + lower) * 1000000, lower = 0;
case 'g', 'G': upper = (upper + lower) * 1000000000, lower = 0;
default: break;
return (upper + lower) * neg;
it is like resistors
10 = 10
10k = 10000
10k1 = 10001
11k11 = 11011
10kk = 10000000
10M = 10000000
1k1 = 1001
1k1k1 = 1001001
Re: Want to ask -
Foxer123456 - 20.12.2017
oh dude thank you.
Re: Want to ask -
Konstantinos - 20.12.2017
While OneDay's solution allows multiple letters to be used at once, for a simpler way of just M/K (or m/k) at the end, you can use custom sscanf specifier as well:
pawn Код:
new k_length = strlen(k_string);
switch (k_string[k_length - 1])
case 'K', 'k':
k_string[k_length - 1] = EOS;
return strval(k_string) * 1000;
case 'M', 'm':
k_string[k_length - 1] = EOS;
return strval(k_string) * 1000000;
return strval(k_string);
pawn Код:
if (sscanf(params, "uk<money>", id, value)) return error_usage_here..
Re: Want to ask -
OneDay - 19.04.2018
Fixed some problems.
Re: Want to ask -
jasperschellekens - 19.04.2018
Originally Posted by OneDay
Fixed some problems.
Do you realize you bumped a 5 months old topic for no reason?
Re: Want to ask -
OneDay - 19.04.2018
I edited the code above.