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Timers inaccuracy fix? - Printable Version

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Timers inaccuracy fix? - Kampott - 19.12.2017

I need timers in pawno to be very accurate, are there any way to fix their inaccuracy using a plugin/include?

Re: Timers inaccuracy fix? - RIDE2DAY - 19.12.2017

Give a try to this plugin, it fixes many things:

You have this standalone plugin also, but you must compile it:

On the other hand, with fixes like those avoid running timers which execute weighty code at the same time. Stay away from this:
PHP код:
When running weighty code at once the server gets into a "sleep" state, that might cause desync between players since the script is single thread.

Re: Timers inaccuracy fix? - jasperschellekens - 19.12.2017

Timers are really inaccurate, try using YSI_Timer for more accurate timers