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GarHouse v2.2 - Printable Version

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GarHouse v2.2 - Kraeror - 17.12.2017

Hello guys, I have problem with my GarHouse v2.2 filterscript! At localhost it works perfect, but when I upload it to my linux host ( (it's not add)) and the server crashes with no reason in log!
Anybody can help me pls
+1 REP to the helpers

Re: GarHouse v2.2 - Kraeror - 17.12.2017

Originally Posted by Rektumiliam
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Have you added the houses folder on your Scriptfiles?
Yes, of course and the plugin too!

Re: GarHouse v2.2 - Kraeror - 17.12.2017

Any other ideas?

Re: GarHouse v2.2 - Kraeror - 17.12.2017

Originally Posted by Rektumiliam
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Well, if the server crashes it should have a log, do you have crashdetect and/or nativechecker?
In my server_log file:

[20:17:12] [debug] Server crashed while executing GarHouse2.2.amx
[20:17:12] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[20:17:12] [debug] #0 ffffffff in main () from GarHouse2.2.amx

Re: GarHouse v2.2 - Lucases - 17.12.2017

Post your

pawn Код:

Re: GarHouse v2.2 - Kraeror - 17.12.2017


Post your


Now the problem is:

[20:36:47] [debug] Server crashed while executing GarHouse2.2.amx
[20:36:47] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[20:36:47] [debug] #0 ffffffff in public OnEnterExitModShop () from GarHouse2.2.amx

Re: GarHouse v2.2 - Lucases - 17.12.2017

Post that function here

Re: GarHouse v2.2 - xMoBi - 17.12.2017

problem is in OnEnterExitModShop callback. paste that.

Re: GarHouse v2.2 - Kraeror - 18.12.2017

How can I find the problem
I don't have this callback in my filterscripts?
Is there any method to check where the problem comes from?

Re: GarHouse v2.2 - Kraeror - 18.12.2017

Guys I fixed it!! I had to downlaod the lastest sscanf version for Linux and it works perfect!
I'm sorry for wasting your time
+1 REP to all of You, who wanted to help me