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GetPlayerWeaponData - NealPeteros - 16.12.2017

I'm kinda confused with GetPlayerWeaponData. Could someone send an example, listing every weapon and ammo the player has using this function?

Re: GetPlayerWeaponData - Kane - 16.12.2017

It's pretty straight forward.

slots” is the slot ID the weapon is held in. There are 13 slots, 0 to 12. You loop through these slots and get their weapons and ammo for those slots.
Two examples are:

PHP код:
// Common use: get all weapons and store info in an array containing 13 slots
// The first value is the weapon ID, and second is the ammo
new weapons[13][2];
for (new 
0<= 12i++)
GetPlayerWeaponData(playeridiweapons[i][0], weapons[i][1]);

weapons[i][0]” holds their weapon ID and “weapons[i][1]” holds the ammo.

PHP код:
i13i++) // 0-12; 
format(w_stringsizeof w_string"Weapon ID: %i, Ammo: %i"weapon_idammo);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1w_string);

You understandin?

Re: GetPlayerWeaponData - NealPeteros - 16.12.2017

Originally Posted by Arthur Kane
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It's pretty straight forward.

slots” is the slot ID the weapon is held in. There are 13 slots, 0 to 12. You loop through these slots and get their weapons and ammo for those slots.
Two examples are:

PHP код:
// Common use: get all weapons and store info in an array containing 13 slots
// The first value is the weapon ID, and second is the ammo
new weapons[13][2];
for (new 
0<= 12i++)
GetPlayerWeaponData(playeridiweapons[i][0], weapons[i][1]);

weapons[i][0]” holds their weapon ID and “weapons[i][1]” holds the ammo.

PHP код:
i13i++) // 0-12; 
format(w_stringsizeof w_string"Weapon ID: %i, Ammo: %i"weapon_idammo);
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1w_string);

You understandin?
Kinda'. Say, how do you do that with dialogs?

Re: GetPlayerWeaponData - Kane - 16.12.2017

PHP код:
stock list_weapons(playerid)
wep_list[256], wep_holder[128];
weapon_id != 0)
format(wep_holdersizeof wep_holder"Wep ID: %i - Ammo: %i\n"weapon_idweapon_ammo); 

Is a way.

Re: GetPlayerWeaponData - RogueDrifter - 16.12.2017

Visit samp wiki For weapon slots
look at the Slots section to know which slot that is for the weapon, as for GetPlayerWeaponData
here's the paramters (playerid, slot, &weapons, &ammo) so playerid, slot which u can get from the link i sent above and the weapon to be saved and the ammo, say i wanna save a player's weapons when he disconnects, so i'll do this:
PHP код:
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid,reason)
GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid2weapon[0], ammo[0]);
GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid3weapon[1], ammo[1]);
GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid4weapon[2], ammo[2]);
GetPlayerWeaponData(playerid5weapon[3], ammo[3]);
//after that you save that weapon[0-->3] and same for ammo into the file for ex if i use DINI i will do this
//and so on for the rest of the ammo spots we saved
return 1;

for the 2nd question to do that with a dialogue simply format a string and set it as the dialogue like:
PHP код:
new name[24],string[128],weapon0[15],weapon1[15];
GetWeaponName(weapon[0], weapon0sizeof(weapon0));
GetWeaponName(weapon[1], weapon1,sizeof(weapon1));
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has the weapon %s with %d ammmo and a %s with %d ammo",name,weapon0,ammo[0],weapon1,ammo[1]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid55DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX"Weapon Info"string"Okay"""); 
EDIT: this is merely an example to show you how it could work like, not an actual script to be used.

Re: GetPlayerWeaponData - NealPeteros - 16.12.2017

EDIT: btw is it possible to show the selected weapon's name after responding to the dialog?

2nd EDIT: had to delete that previous message to avoid doublepost

Re: GetPlayerWeaponData - RogueDrifter - 16.12.2017

Originally Posted by NealPeteros
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EDIT: btw is it possible to show the selected weapon's name after responding to the dialog?

2nd EDIT: had to delete that previous message to avoid doublepost
did u read my example? GetWeaponName...?? OnDialogueResponse to that dialogue id format a string JUST like the one i formatted in my example and do showplayerdialogue with that string, like my example.

Re: GetPlayerWeaponData - NealPeteros - 16.12.2017

Originally Posted by RogueDrifter
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did u read my example? GetWeaponName...?? OnDialogueResponse to that dialogue id format a string JUST like the one i formatted in my example and do showplayerdialogue with that string, like my example.
I'm sorry, but um...huh? Can you probably say it in words I can understand, please? Kinda spent 10 minutes figuring out what you meant.

Re: GetPlayerWeaponData - RogueDrifter - 16.12.2017

Originally Posted by NealPeteros
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I'm sorry, but um...huh? Can you probably say it in words I can understand, please? Kinda spent 10 minutes figuring out what you meant.
PHP код:
new name[24],//player name varibale

string[128],//string for the dialogue

weapon0[15],//string for first weapon name

weapon1[15]; //string for second weapon name

GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof(name));//saving the player name in (name)

GetWeaponName(weapon[0], weapon0sizeof(weapon0));//saving first weapon name in (weapon0)

GetWeaponName(weapon[1], weapon1,sizeof(weapon1));//saving second weapon in (weapon1)

format(string,sizeof(string),"%s has the weapon %s with %d ammmo and a %s with %d ammo",name,weapon0,ammo[0],weapon1,ammo[1]);//formatting the string with the values we got

ShowPlayerDialog(playerid55DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX"Weapon Info"string"Okay"""); //showing the dialogue with that string 
was that more simple? what do you not understand exactly??

Re: GetPlayerWeaponData - Kane - 16.12.2017

Originally Posted by RogueDrifter
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