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[Ajuda] Server Se Desligado =| - Printable Version

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Server Se Desligado =| - VictorMM - 19.11.2017

recentemente fiz um post aqui pedindo ajuda,pois nгo conseguia ligar meu server na host,mexendo o dia todo cnsegui deizб-lo on,mas como saba que nгo era tгo facil esperei um pouco, e do nada ele desligou como jб era esperado por mim aqui estб o console (?)
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, ©2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[15:41:06] Server Plugins
[15:41:06] --------------
[15:41:06]  Loading plugin:
[15:41:06]   Loaded.
[15:41:06]  Loading plugin:
*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.2 by Incognito loaded ***
[15:41:06]   Loaded.
[15:41:06]  Loaded 2 plugins.
[15:41:06] Ban list
[15:41:06] --------
[15:41:06]  Loaded: samp.ban
[15:41:06] Filterscripts
[15:41:06] ---------------
[15:41:06]   Loading filterscript 'antibot.amx'...
[15:41:06]   Loading filterscript 'antibotn.amx'...
[15:41:06]   Loading filterscript 'anticars.amx'...
[15:41:06] Anti Car Spam by Koma loaded.
[15:41:06]   Loading filterscript 'antipcar.amx'...
[15:41:06]   Unable to load filterscript 'antipcar.amx'.
[15:41:06]   Loading filterscript 'atflood.amx'...
[15:41:06]   Loading filterscript 'Anti-Hack.amx'...
-------------LOADING Fs ....------------------
[15:41:06]   sa-mp extreme tudo para seu servidor                            
[15:41:06]   Fs Caregando                            
[15:41:06]   Ant Armas Carregando                         
[15:41:06]   Ping Carregado Max :1000                     
[15:41:06]   Loading completo                     
[15:41:06] --------------------------------------
[15:41:06]   Loaded 5 filterscripts.
[15:41:06] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x26104) does not match plugin version (0x292) (script might need to be recompiled with the correct include file).
[15:41:06]  ======================================= 
[15:41:06]  |                                     | 
[15:41:06]  |        YSI version 1.06.0002        | 
[15:41:06]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[15:41:06]  |                                     | 
[15:41:06]  ======================================= 
[15:41:06] *** Streamer Plugin: CreateDynamicCP: Expecting 10 parameter(s), but found 8.
[15:41:06] *** Streamer Plugin: CreateDynamicMapIcon: Expecting 12 parameter(s), but found 9.
[15:41:11] *** Streamer Plugin: CreateDynamicObject: Expecting 14 parameter(s), but found 11.
[15:41:11]  �
[15:41:11]  �			Server em testes
[15:41:11]  �		Server Vers�o GameMode 0.3z
[15:41:11]  �			SA-MP Vers�o 0.3z
[15:41:11]  �
[15:41:11] Number of vehicle models: 93
[15:43:21] --- Server Shutting Down.
[15:43:21] NF 0
[15:43:21] NF 1
[15:43:21] NF 2
[15:43:21] NF 3
[15:43:21] NF 4
*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.2 by Incognito unloaded ***
eu sei que no console estб na versгo 0.3z,ms estб tudo atualizado, sу tenho preguiзa de mudar ali,eu meio que jб (acho que) sei o erro,estб nessa linha:
[15:41:06] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x26104) does not match plugin version (0x292) (script might need to be recompiled with the correct include file).
este й um dos pluguins que estava dando erro,substitui ele,mas acho que nгo como deveria,quero a ajuda de vocкs oque posso fazer para arrumar (eu vн que tenho q substituir o pluguin em outra pasta tambйm,sу n sei onde)


Re: Server Se Desligado =| - DelK - 19.11.2017

Atualiza seu plugin streamer

Re: Server Se Desligado =| - VictorMM - 19.11.2017

Originally Posted by DelK
Посмотреть сообщение
estб atualizado com essa versгo,e dб esse erre,mas sу pra saber se fiz certo,pode me falar como que atualiza? ai eu sei se fiz certo e corrijo =)

Re: Server Se Desligado =| - DelK - 19.11.2017

Sу substituir a streamer da sua pasta plugin e da sua pasta pawno>include, pela streamer que vocк baixou e depois recompila o gm.

Re: Server Se Desligado =| - Coringa_Vilao - 19.11.2017